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毕业设计报告(论文) 报告(论文)题目: 中国自主品牌汽车的发展与探索 作者所在系部: 机械工程系 作者所在专业: 汽车检测与维修技术 作者所在班级: 200730122 作 者 姓 名 : 作 者 学 号 : 200 指导教师姓名: 完 成 时 间 : 摘 要 摘要:随着经济的快速稳定发展,我国汽车产业已成为全国最大的亮点。与此同时,中国如何实现汽车自主开发和自主品牌创建问题也成为关注的热点。 目前国内汽车品牌主要有两类:第一类是国外品牌,这类品牌都归跨国公司所有,国内合资企业只有使用权,一般是完全引进国外技术且主要是中外合资企业所生产的,这类为国内乘用车的主流。第二类是自主品牌。自主品牌又分为两类,一类是使用引进技术的国内自主品牌,这类品牌虽为国内自主品牌,但产品都是引进国外成熟车型技术;另一类是使用自主开发车型技术的自主品牌,其产品是由国内企业开发且掌握完全知识产权,这类被视为中国民族汽车工业的代表。本文主要研究的是第二类,也就是自主品牌。????????本文通过对我国汽车自主品牌的研究,探讨中国汽车自主品牌的优势和劣势,探索适合我国汽车自主品牌的发展之路,对我国自主品牌的发展都可借鉴。关键词:中国汽车??自主品牌??发展 Abstract:With the rapid economic stability and development, Chinas automobile industry has become the biggest bright spot. At the same time, the Chinese how to achieve self-development and self-brand cars to create the problem has become the focus of attention. Currently there are two categories of domestic auto brands: the first is the foreign brands, such brands are the property of transnational corporations, domestic joint ventures is only right to use the full introduction of foreign technology generally and is mainly produced by joint ventures, such the mainstream of domestic passenger cars. The second is its own brand. Own brand is divided into two categories is the use of imported technology of domestic own brand, although these brands for the domestic independent brands, but the products are mature models the introduction of foreign technology; the other is to use self-developed vehicle technology own brand, its products are developed by domestic companies and has perfect intellectual property rights, these are regarded as Chinas national auto industry representatives. This is the second major study, which is its own brand. ????????Based on the Chinese automobile brand in the study of Chinese automobile brands strengths and weaknesses, exploring


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