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Chapter One 第一章 老三里屯:九十年代北京夜生活的象征 Sanlitun: The icon of Beijing nightlife in the 90’s 老三里屯的名气源自那条闻名海内外的三里屯酒吧街,在这条不足300米的街上分布着70多个酒吧, “男孩女孩”、“逗号”、“简单日子”、“地平线”等,还有像“为人民服务”、“一坐一忘云贵菜”这样的餐厅。 The fame of Sanlitun originates from its “Bar Street”, which is renowned both at home and abroad. The street, though shorter than 300 meters long, is lined with over 70 bars, featuring such names as “Boys and Girls”, “Comma Bar”, “Easy Day,” and “Skyline.” There are also plenty of restaurants there, such as “Serve the People” and “In Out.” 每天下午到次日凌晨,人们会成群结队涌向三里屯酒吧街,全是因为它的鼎鼎大名,有的外国使馆干脆将门前的门牌号码由三里屯路改为“三里屯酒吧街”。 From afternoon till early morning, bands of people swarm Bar Street. Its distinction has reached such a pinnacle that some foreign embassies have even changed the address on their street plates from “Sanlitun Road” to “Sanlitun Bar Street.” 三里屯酒吧街毗邻包括加拿大、澳大利亚、法国、比利时、德国在内的70多个国家的大使馆,以及联合国开发计划署等7个联合国驻华机构。几乎所有在京的外国人和北京白领都慕名来过这里。 Neighboring Sanlitun Bar Street are the embassies of over 70 countries, including Canada, Australia, France, Belgium, and Germany, as well as seven UN offices, like the United Nations Development Programme. The street has an almost magnetic quality to most of the foreigners and upwardly mobile in Beijing. 新三里屯 北京最国际化的时尚休闲消费场所 New Sanlitun: Beijing’s most global chic leisure and shopping locale 在北京市2008年三里屯规划蓝图中,三里屯地区将与国贸、燕莎等东部商圈形成三角型的互补,也就是说,三里屯将建成北京最具国际化的时尚休闲消费区。 2007年,三家重磅级开发商接连出手,在总面积为85万平方米的三里屯地区投下总金额超过130亿的巨资,使08年的三里屯变得炙手可热。 In the 2008 Beijing Municipality’s Urban Plan for Sanlitun, Sanlitun district forms a complementary triangle with the other East Beijing trade centers – Guomao and Lufthansa. The year 2008 sees the area becoming ever hotter with three heavyweight property developers having made sizeable investments there in 2007, in rapid succession. 07年2月,香港商业巨头太古宣布48亿接手新三里屯,建造17万平米的三里屯太古广场,目前已有阿迪达斯、路易威登、劳力士等纷纷签约进驻,并吸引了大量国际一线品牌的关注。 In February 2007, Swire Pacific, Hong Kong-based commercial giant, announced its plan to invest RMB 4.8 billion in


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