unit 1 服装公司的主要部门.doc

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unit 1 服装公司的主要部门

服装专业英语复习资料1 UNIT 1 Section A Speaking Practice the Overseas Department 海外部 business talk 业务洽谈 the production line 流水作业线 process sheet 流程表 Section B Text Learning Sustainable development 持续发展 Fashion trend 流行趋势 Fabric and trimmings 面辅料 Working sketch 款式设计图 Sample garments 样衣 The designing department 设计部门 The techniques development department 技术研发部门 Make pattern 制作样板 Assemble garments 缝制衣服 The pattern making department 样板室 The sample operating department 样衣室 Pattern cutters = pattern makers Draping pattern making 立裁 Flat pattern making 平裁 In bulk 批量 On the assembly line 装配流水线 Sales promotion budget 促销预算 Brand fame 品牌知名度 Strengthen the public 加强宣传力度 Pure promotion 单纯的促销 Regular distribution network 常规的销售网络 Brand Cloth 名牌服装 课外补充 1 go with the current 随波逐流 Go against the current 逆潮流 2 do One’s button up 扣上扣子 Sew a new button 钉上新扣子 Lose a button 扣子掉了 3 Autumn /Winter Show 秋冬秀 4 a cloth fitting dress 紧身裙 Stretch dress 弹力裙子 He went to the tailor’s to be fitted for a coat. 5 the tailor makes the man 人靠衣装 佛靠金装 Tailoring .n 男装的裁缝 Dress making tailor 女装或童装的裁缝 Tailoring .v 裁剪与缝制 6 find one’s match 棋逢对手 Let beggars match beggars 龙配龙,凤配凤 7 concealed Button 按扣 Firmly fabrics 厚重的面料 Princess seam 公主线 Slim style 修身的款式 Hip huggers 紧身低腰 Culottes 裙裤 Leggings 紧身裤 8 pleat .n = tuck .n面料上的褶裥 Put in / take out a pleat 闭合/ 打开一个褶裥 Pleat .v打褶 Tuck .v把一边一角塞好,折好 Tuck your shirt into your trousers . The nurse tuck her hair into nurse’s hat. 9 suit-type jackets 西装上衣 Blazers 女式上衣 课后练习 Vocabulary Working sketch Draping pattern making Flat pattern making Brand fame The overseas department Process sheet The techniques developing department The sales department 款式图 立体裁剪 平面裁剪 品牌知名度 海外部 生产流程图 技术研发部 销售部 Translation Translate the following English into Chinese 1 The Designing Department is functional responsible for development new products. In practice , the designer’s job is involved in market researching ,developing new ideas with combination of fashion trend and consumers’ demands ,ev


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