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本科毕业设计说明书 题 目 :面向医学图像的数字水印 算法设计 院 (部):信息与电气工程学院 专 业 :电子信息工程 班 级 :电信111 姓 名 : 学 号 : 指导教师: 完成日期: 2015年6月10日 目 录 摘 要 III ABSTRACT IV 1前 言 1 1.1选题的背景和意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.3 本论文的研究内容和组织结构 5 2医学数字水印技术概论 6 2.1 数字水印的概述 6 2.2 数字水印系统的基本模型 9 2.3 数字水印的攻击方法 9 2.4 数字水印系统的性能评估 11 2.5 医学数字水印的概念 11 2.5.1 医学图像的特点 12 2.5.2 数字水印在医学中的分类 13 2.5.3 数字水印在医学中的用途 14 2.5.4 医学水印所要研究的主要问题 15 2.6本章小结 15 3医学数字水印算法设计与实现 16 3.1 设计算法的选择 16 3.2 离散余弦交换(DCT) 16 3.3 方案设计 18 3.4 离散余弦变换的水印嵌入 19 3.5 离散余弦变换的水印提取 20 3.6 主要Matlab函数 21 3.7 水印的检测 22 3.7.1 嵌入水印的图像效果图 22 3.7.2 鲁棒性测试实验 23 3.7.3 实验结论及分析 25 3.8 本章小结 26 4总 结 27 谢 辞 29 参考文献 30 附 录 32 DCT数字水印算法是首先把图像分成8×8的不重叠像素块,在经过分块DCT变换后,即得到由DCT系数组成的频率块,然后随机选取一些频率块,将水印信号嵌入到由密钥控制选择的一些DCT系数中。 The Design on Digital Watermarking Algorithm of Medical Image ABSTRACT With the development of digital technology, traditional medicine images are saved, the distribution medium of film into digital images by CD, disk.Therefore, medical imaging, and data transmission in the network will also encounter tampering, illegal copying, copyright protection and other information security issues.To protect the integrity of medical images and copyrights is a modern information security technologies need to be resolved. This paper focuses on copyright protection of medical images were studied. In this paper, combined with the existing classical watermarking algorithm, the discrete cosine transform (DCT) was studied by mathematical transformation of the commonly used. DCT digital watermark algorithm is first the image is divided into 8 × 8 non overlaping pixels block, after block DCT transform, the frequency of DCT coefficient blocks, and then randomly selected some frequency block, to embed the watermark signal is controlled by the key choice of many of the DCT coefficients.Experiments show that the algorithm satisfies the requirements of watermarking systems. Digital watermarking attack methods an



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