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第六章 吸入麻醉 Inhalation Anesthesia  概念(concept) 麻醉药经呼吸道吸入,产生中枢神经系统抑制,使病人意识消失而不感到手术刺激导致的疼痛,称吸入麻醉。麻醉深浅与脑组织中的药物分压有关 Clinical evaluation of inhalational anesthetics 1、可控性 controllable 吸入麻醉药可控性优于静脉麻醉药;associated with blood/gas partition coefficient 麻醉药分压在两相中达到平衡时的麻醉药浓度比称为分配系数 麻醉药在血药内溶解度越低, 即血/气分配系数越小,可控性越好 2、麻醉强度 Anesthetic potency associated with oil/gas partition coefficient 油/气分配系数越高,麻醉强度越大,所需MAC也小 通常吸入麻醉药的血/气分配系数与油/气分配系数成反比,即麻醉强度越大,其可控性越差。 MAC(Minimal alveolar concentration)即肺泡最小有效浓度,指挥发性麻醉药和纯氧同时吸入时在肺泡内能达到50%的病人对手术刺激无体动反应的浓度 MAC is minimal alveolar concentration of an inhalational anesthetic at 1 atmosphere absolute that prevents movements of 50% of the population to a standard stimulus. 3. Depressant effects on Cardiovascular system Depression of myocardial contractility;Increased myocardial excitability Arrhythmias are common during halothane Increased circulating catecholamines Effects on respiratory Respiratory depression dose-dependent depression of ventilation Irritant to respiratory depression Relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle 5、对神经系统的影响 on ICP and EEG Dose-dependent depression of EEG activity, at moderate to high concentration (more than 3%), enflurane produces epileptiform paroxysmal spike activity Increase ICP, and this action of isoflurane is the lowest in all volatiles 6、对运动终板的影响 neuromuscular junction Skeletal muscle relaxation and potentiates non-depolarizing relaxants. Skeletal muscle relaxation of enflurane is the greatest in all inhalational anesthetic Hatholane relaxes uterine muscle and may cause postpartum hemorrhage 理想的吸入麻醉药应具备以下条件: 不燃、不爆。 室温下易挥发。 麻醉强度大。 血溶解度低,可控性好,诱导快,苏醒快。 体内代谢少;代谢产物无毒性,安全范围大。 不增加心肌应激性,能与肾上腺素合用。 使肌肉松弛。 能抑制过强的交感神经活动。 对呼吸道无刺激作用,有支气管扩张作用。 对心肌无明显抑制。 不致脑血管扩张。 无肝肾毒性。 Properties of the ideal inhalational anesthetic Pleasant odour, non-irritant to respiratory depression low blood/solubility—rapid induction and recover from anesthesi


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