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中文摘要 本文选取盛唐(公元712-770)这一特定时段,力图从以思想内容、艺术技 巧等方面对盛唐干谒诗进行研究。 全文分为三个部分。第一部分为:《唐代以诗干谒与盛唐干谒诗概述》。“干 谒”一词在魏晋南北朝时就已在文人的作品中出现,但后代学者一直未对“干谒 诗”的概念进行明确界定。故笔者对干谒诗的概念进行了尝试性的限定,探讨了 唐代干谒诗产生的背景,并对盛唐干谒诗的留存情况也进行了一定的分析。 第二部分:《盛唐干谒诗包含的思想内容》。既然研究的是盛唐时产生的干谒 作品,这些作品也就必然会反映盛唐诗人们干谒时的思想感情与当时的一些社会 事件,盛唐发生的历史事件中,对后世影响最大的,莫过安史之乱,有人甚至把 安史之乱视为划分整个唐代历史的分水岭。本文试从这一方面入手,探讨了安史 之乱前后盛唐干谒诗中诗人自我形象的变化、进士科地位的变化、盛唐崇武轻儒 和部分文人自请入幕的现象。 第三部分:《盛唐干谒诗采用的艺术手法》。诗歌作为中国古典文学中最能抒 情言志的文学样式,创作时采用的艺术手法对于诗歌主体志向的表达极具决定作 用。盛唐诗人在写作干谒诗时,为了能达到被赏识的目的,采用大量带有暗示、 象征意味的意象、运用典故和比喻、夸张等一系列修辞手法,同时还形成了以五 言为主的诗歌句式和七言、杂言等其它句式。 关键词:干谒诗 盛唐 思想内容 艺术手法 I Abstract In this paper, I select ShengTang this particular time, from several aspects as ideological content and artistic skills to stem ShengTang Poetry for research. The full text is divided into three parts. The first part of the Tang Dynasty to Tang Dynasty poetry and stem Gan Ye outlined poetry. Gan Ye when the word was in the Wei and Jin works at the literati, but future generations of scholars have not been dry poem called well-defined concept. So I try to stem the concept of poetry of the attempt to limit the stem of the Tang Dynasty poem called the background, and Gan Ye Tang poetry is also retained to conduct a certain analysis. The second part of Tang Gan Ye stem contains the idea of the content of poetry. Since the study was how Gan Ye poetry works in Sheng Tang, these works will be bound to reflect Sheng Tang peoples thoughts and feelings or a number of social events when they are in GanYe, the history of the Tang dynasty the incident occurred, the greatest impact on future generations , no other than the An-Shih Rebellion, it was even a whole division of the An -Shih Rebellion as a watershed in the history of the Tang Dynasty. On the one hand, this article from start t o explore the before and after t


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