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2012 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) Control Sheet Please review this page before subnmitting your solution to ensure that all of the information is correct Do not make changes by hand to the information on this control sheet. If you need to change any of the information on this sheet, login via the Advisor Login link on the MCM web site at /undergraduate/contests/mcm, make the changes online, and print a new sheet. You may NOT photocopy this control sheet to give to a new team, nor may you assign any team a control number. Each team must have its own control number, obtained by registering via the MCM web site at /undergraduate/contests/mcm. Advisor Name: Kai Jie Zheng Department: School of Mathematics and Computer science Institution: FuJian Normal University Address: kjzheng@ FuZhou, FuJian 350108 Phone:Fax: Email: kjzheng@ Home Phone: 8618960823982 Your teams control number is: 17043 (Place this control number on all pages of your solution paper and on any support material.) Problem Chosen: B The names of the team members will appear on your teams certificate exactly as they appear on this page, including all capitalization and punctuation, if any. Gender data is optional and will be used for statistical purposes only; it will not appear on the certificate. Team Member Gender Rongbo Wang M Junkun Huang M Yehui Liu M Each team member must sign the statement below: (Failure to obtain signatures from each team member will result in disqualification of the entire team.) Each of us hereby testifies that our team abided by all of the contests rules and did not consult with anyone who was not on this team in developing the enclosed solution paper. Mailing Address and Signature of Rongbo Wang Mailing Address and Signature of Junkun Huang Mailing Address and Signature of Yehui Liu For office use only T1 ________________ T2 ________________ T3 ________________ T4 ________________ Team Control Number 17043 ? Problem Chosen B For office us


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