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摘 要 本文以湖南省西北部的石门县地名作为研究对象,在深入广泛 地进行田间调查和古今文献对照的基础上,运用语言学、民族学、 历史学、地图学等学科知识,对石门的区域地名进行了一次系统的 描写和综合的分析研究。对石门地名的语言形式、石门地名的分布 特征以及石门地名与区域地理、民族历史和民间文化关系进行了较 为深入的探讨。挖掘了石门地名背后丰富的土家文化和独特的土司、 军屯历史,并试图通过对现有地名运用中存在的问题的分析,为石 门地名的标准化提供参考意见。 关键词:石门县 地名 土家族 军屯史 地名标准化 Abstract The placenames of Shimen County, located in the northwest of Hunan Province, were investigated in this study using the knowledge of linguistics, ethnography, history and cartology, on the basis of extensive field survey and detailed comparison between ancient and modern literature. The aims of this study were to systemicly describe and synthetically analyze regional placenames of Shimen County; and to elucidate linguistic form, distribution characteristics of placenames in Shimen County, and the relationships either between placenames and regional geography, or between national history and folk culture. This study showed clearly that placenames of Shimen County was based on the culture of the Tujia nationality and the unique history of Tusi and army-collecting. Furthermore, this study also analyzed the problems in the use of placenames at present, and in turn provided references for standardization of the placenames in Shimen County. Key words: Shimen County; placenames; Tujia nationality; history of army-collecting; standardization of placenames 图 表 图一石门县行政区划图……………………………………………(2) 图二石门县土家语地名分布图 ………………………………… (30) 图三嘉庆年间添平土司隘所地名分布图 ……………………… (33) 表1石门县大队名、自然村名音节结构统计表…………………(8) 表2地名读音对照表 ………………………………………………(9) 表3部分石门土家语音译地名对照表 ………………………… (10) 表4石门地名专名结构类型示例表 …………………………… (13) 表5部分地名(专名)中土家语词汇对照表 …………


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