湘菜 Xiang Cuisine (Hunan Cuisine).doc

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湘菜 Xiang Cuisine (Hunan Cuisine)

湘菜 Xiang Cuisine (Hunan Cuisine) 湘菜即湖南菜。湖南地处长江中游 南部,气候温和,雨量充沛,土质肥沃, 优越的自然条件和富饶的物产为湘菜在 选料方面提供了物质条件。 湘菜调味尤重酸辣。因地理位置的 关系,湖南气候温和湿润,故人们多喜 食辣椒,用以提神去湿。用酸泡菜作调 料,佐以辣椒烹制出来的菜肴,开胃爽 口。就菜式而言,既有乡土风味的民间 菜式、经济方便的大众菜式,也有讲究 实惠的筵席菜式、格调高雅的宴会菜式; 还有味道随意的家常菜式和疗疾健身的 药膳菜式。据统计,湘菜现有不同品味 的地方菜和风味名菜 800 多种。 东安子鸡:早在唐玄宗开元年间 (713 ~ 741 年),湖南东安人就开始烹 制东安鸡,至今已有 1200 多年的历史。 此菜造型美观,色泽鲜艳,营养丰富, 具有香、辣、麻、酸、甜、脆、嫩等特点。 腊味合蒸:“ 腊味 ”是湘菜的重要 特点之一,原料有很多种,如猪肉、牛肉、 鸡肉、鱼肉、鸭肉等,经风干、烟熏制成。 这道菜以各种腊熏制品同蒸,腊香浓重, 咸甜适口,色泽红亮,柔韧不腻,稍带 厚汁,且味道互补,各尽其妙,是湘菜 中传统风味名菜。 Xiang Cusine refers to Hunan Cuisine. Hunan Province lies in the south of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River; it has a moderate climate, abundant rainfall and fertile soil. The superior natural conditions and rich produce provide the ingredient base for the development of Hunan Cuisine. Hunan Cuisine favors sour and spicy flavors. Due to its geographical position, the climate of Hunan Province is mild and wet, so the people there mostly love to eat red pepper to refresh themselves and get rid of wetness. Dishes with pickled vegetables and red pepper are appetizing and refreshing. With respect to the style of dishes, there are folk dishes, economical popular dishes as well as substantial banquet and elegant feast dishes. There are also home dishes and disease-curing and body-building dishes cooked with medicinal herbs. There are more than 800 local dishes and famous courses of local flavors. Dongan Vinegar Chicken: As early as the reign of Kaiyuan in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the people of Dongan of Hunan Province began to cook Dongan Chicken. The dish is gracefully sculpted and bright colored as well as nutritious, fragrant, spicy, sour, sweet, crisp and tender. S t e ame d Mi x e d Preserved Meat: Cured meat is an important characteristics of Hunan Cuisine, with many kinds of ingredients such as pork, beef, chicken, fish, duck, etc.,cured by air-drying or smoking. The dish is steamed with thick f r a g r a n t c u r e d me a t with salty, sweet flavor. It is bright red


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