Pericardium Meridian of HandJuein课件.pptVIP

Pericardium Meridian of HandJuein课件.ppt

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Pericardium Meridian of HandJuein课件

Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin (1)general information of the meridian cardiovascular and mental disease,such as angina pectoris, arrhythmia, coma, acrotism, stomach problem, vomiting, and diaphragm spasm. (2)Main course of the meridian: axilla 《灵枢·经脉》:心主手厥阴心包络之脉,起于胸中,出属心包络,下膈,历络三焦。 The Chapter Discussion on the Meridians in Miraculous Pivot says: The Pericardium Meridian starts from the chest, and enters its pertaining organ, the pericardium. It descends through the diaphragm to connect successively with the upper, middle and lower energizer. 其支者:循胸出胁,下腋三寸,上抵腋下,循臑内,行太阴、少阴之间,入肘中,下臂,行两筋之间,入掌中,循中指,出其端。 A branch arising from the chest runs inside the chest, comes out from the costal region below the axilla and ascends to the axilla. Following the medial aspect of the upper arm, it runs between the Lung Meridian and Heart Meridian to the cubital fossa, further downward to the forearm between the tendons of m.palmaris longus and m.flexor carpi radialis, enters the palm, then passes along the middle finger right down to its tip. 其支者:别掌中,循小指次指出其端。 Another branch arising from the palm runs along the ring finger to its tip. PC3曲泽Quze. Meaning: Qu, curve; ze, marsh. The Qi of meridian infuses into the shallow depression of the elbow like water flowing into a marsh. Location: on the transverse cubital crease, at the ulnar side of the tendon of m.biceps branchii. Indication:acute gastroenteritis, bronchitis, sunstroke, high fever, angina pectoris (cardiac pain), rheumatic heart disease, pediatric chorea, stomachache, vomting, diarrhea, pain in elbow joint. Method: perpendicularly 0.5-1.2 cun Remarks: He-Sea Point PC6内关Neiguan(). Meaning: Nei, medial; guan, pass. The point is at an important site at the medial aspect of the forearm, like a pass. Location: 2 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m.palmaris longus and m.flexor carpi radialis. Indication: tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, myocarditis, neurosis, gastrit


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