I4 Franklin Snoops 小乌龟学美语文本.doc

I4 Franklin Snoops 小乌龟学美语文本.doc

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I4 Franklin Snoops 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin Snoops Franklin could count by twos and ties his shoes. He knew why the leaves fell in autumn and why his kite needed a tail. But one day, Franklin wanted to know too much about a surprise. Why are you cutting all those branches off rosebush? Its called pruning and it makes the plant grow better. Oh. So, why do they call a dried plum a prune? Hmmm... Thats a good question. But from now on you should always ask for a dried plum. Why? Dad. Because if you ask for a prune, someone may think you want a good clipping. Dad. Thanks for hiding that for me. Not at all, I know how these things can be discovered by accident. And sometimes no by accident! Yes, I know what you mean. No one will find it here. And I wont say anything to Franklin about it. I just want to know, thats all. If its not something youre hiding from me. Why cant you tell me what it is? Because I told Mrs. Bear that I wouldnt. Well, can you tell why you cant tell me? I dont think youre going to give up, are you? That was just Mrs. Bear on the phone, she wanted me to remind you to take the price tag off Bears gift before you wrap it. What? Thanks, Dad. I just want to know, thats all. And he is my best friend. So its okay if you tell me what hes getting for his birthday. Its hard for best friends to keep secrets from one another. so if you dont know what it is, you dont have to worry about spoiling his surprise. Aww, Mom, I wont tell Bear. I promise. Sorry, Franklin, but youll just have to wait until his birthday party. Hmph! Mom! Have you seen my baseball glove?! Try looking in the closet! Oh yeah! There it is. Ahhh...Ohhh... Wow! A Power Pal! Boy, is Bear ever lucky! Okay, Everyone knows youve been practicing, so show me what youve got. Im ready! Youd better be. Because here comes my slider! Aww... Sorry Bear. Ill try to slow it down next time. Its my gloves fault! See, its too small for me and I cant grab it the right way. Sure, Bear. Its just your glove. It is! Honest! I just find out something


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