老友记第一季 第22集 The One With the Ick Factor.doc

老友记第一季 第22集 The One With the Ick Factor.doc

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老友记第一季 第22集 The One With the Ick Factor

122 The One With the Ick Factor倒人胃口的约会 (Scene: Central Perk. Everyone is there.) Monica: Tell him. -告诉他嘛… Rachel: No. Phoebe: Tell him, tell him. 对,就告诉他嘛 Monica: Just...please tell him. Rachel: Shut up! 闭嘴. Chandler: Tell me what? 告诉我什么? Monica: Look at you, you wont even look at him. 你看你,连正眼看他都不肯 Chandler: (sarcastically) Oh, come on tell me. I could use another reason why women wont look at me. 下回女人不看我时我有了新借口 Rachel: All right, all right, all right. Last night, I had a dream that, uh, you and I, were... 好吧,好吧,昨晚我梦见我和你 Phoebe: Doing it on this table. (points at the table)在这桌上做爱 Chandler: Wow! Joey: Exellent dream score. 梦中得分 Ross: Why, why, why would you dream that? 你怎会有这种梦? Chandler: More importantly, was I any good? 最重要的是我棒吗? Rachel: Well, you were pretty damn good. 简直是棒极了 Chandler: Interesting, cause in my dreams, Im allways surprisingly inadequate. (Monica pats him on his lap) 真有意思,在我梦中我力不从心 Rachel: Well, last night you seemed to know your way around the table. 昨晚你在桌上表现神了 Ross: I love it, when we share. 真高兴能与你们分享 (Ross goes over to the counter. Chandler follows him.) Chandler: Youre okay there? 你没事吧? Ross: I cant belive you two had sex in her dream. 我不敢相信你会在她梦中做爱 Chandler: Im sorry, it was a one-time-thing. I was very drunk and i was somebody elses subconscious. 抱歉,我只有一次. 我醉得不醒人事,而且这是某人的潜意志 Opening Credits [Scene: Central Perk, continued from earlier, Chandler is sitting on the table.] Chandler: Hello Rachel. 好呀,瑞秋 Rachel: Get off. 起来 Phoebe: (points at Joeys pen) Uh, uh, gimme. Can you see me operating a drill press? 给我,你们能想像操作钻床的我吗? Joey: I dont know. What are you wearing? 不知道,你当时穿什么? (Chandler, Monica and Phoebe looks at him) Ross: Pheebs, why would you want to operate a drill press? 不知道,你为何想操作钻床? Phoebe: Just for some short-term-work. You know, until I get back some of my massage clients. 只是暂时的工作,直到我找回部份的按摩客户 Chandler: Pirates again? 又是海盗? Phoebe: No, nothing like that. I was just...such a dummie. I taught this massage-yourself-at-home-workshop. And they a


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