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摘 要 湘语和赣语是现代汉语两大独立的方言,无论是从古代的文献资料,还是从 现实的语言实际来看,湘语和赣语都有密切的联系。地处湘西南的绥宁,境内语 言复杂,除少数民族语言外,境内主要有湘语和赣语两种汉语方言。本文以绥宁 县长铺话和梅坪话为研究对象,运用描写法和解释法相结合,历时比较法和共时 比较法相结合,传统音韵学和现代语音学相结合的方法,对两地方言的语音进行 了比较研究。旨在揭示长铺话和梅坪话语音的主要特征,确定它们的归属。希望 能够促进湖南境内湘语、赣语的研究,促进方言的比较研究。 本文共分五章。 第一章简单介绍了绥宁县及其地理、历史、人口、民族、语言使用情况,以 及绥宁县汉语方言研究现状。 第二章描写了长铺话的声韵调系统和长铺话的文白异读。 第三章描写了梅坪话的声韵调系统和梅坪话的文白异读。 第四章从声韵调三个方面将长铺话、梅坪话与中古音进行了系统的比较。 第五章归纳了长铺话和梅坪话的音韵特点,确定了长铺话和梅坪话的归属。 附录B 整理出了长铺话的同音字汇。 附录C 整理出了梅坪话的同音字汇。 关键词:绥宁县;长铺话;梅坪话;音韵;比较研究 I Abstract Xiang dialects and Gan dialects are two independent dialects of modern Chinese dialects. When we go back to ancient documents and focus on the facts of current language, we can notice that Xiang dialects and Gan dialects of Chinese are closely related. Suining is located in south-west of Hunan Province. The languages of Suining is very complicated. Except minority languages, there are Xiang dialects and Gan dialects of Chinese in Suining county. Based on the existed research, this paper gives a comparative study on the phonology of Changpu d ialect and Meiping dialect using description method and interpretative method, diachronic comparative method and synchronic comparative method, traditional phonology and contemporary phonetics. It views the main phonetic features of Changpu d ialect and Meiping dialect, and makes certain which dialect group they belonging to.We hope that this thesis can promote the study on Xiang dialects and Gan dialects of Chinese, the comparative study on dialects of Chinese. The thesis contains five chapters. The first chapter shows briefly us the geography, the hi


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