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自动涂胶机的设计 [摘要] 自动涂胶机是一种拟人的密封机械装置,它综合了人类和机器的特长,是工业和非产业界的重要生产和服务性设备,也是先进制造技术领域的不可缺少的自动化设备。 本课题研制的数控涂胶机是为一汽集团变速箱厂设计的涂胶样机,要求自动涂胶机的X、Y两轴由交流伺服电机驱动,可实现直线插补和圆弧插补;Z轴气动,主要用于作业工位的转换,以调整涂胶枪嘴与涂胶平面的距离,并且编写数控程序完成对变速箱前壳体的涂胶工作。 该系统是一个典型的机电一体化系统。因而,本系统设计成为主要由机械、电气、控制三大部分组成。其机械部分主要是控制行程的X-Y-Z轴机械装置,它主要由驱动滚珠丝杠进行X-Y轴方向运动的执行装置、气缸、导轨等执行机构组成。电气部分是由交流伺服电动机、光电编码器、各种检测传感器、电磁控制阀等组成。控制部分主要由日本FANUC公司研制的FANUC 0数控系统组成。 [关键词] 密封装置 变速箱 X-Y-Z FANUC 0 The Design of the Automatic Gluing Machine [Abstract] Automatic coating machine is a mechanical device intended to seal people, which combines the strengths of humans and machines, industrial and non-industrial sector is an important production and service equipment, advanced manufacturing technology is also indispensable automation equipment. The topics developed by the NC coating machine is designed FAW Group gearbox factory prototype glue, requiring automatic coating machine X, Y two-axis driven by AC servo motors can achieve linear and circular interpolation; Z axis pneumatic, mainly for the job of converting the station to adjust the distance between the muzzle and the adhesive glue plane, and write the NC program to complete the work of gluing the front gearbox housing. The system is a typical mechatronic systems. Thus, the system designed to be mainly composed of mechanical, electrical, control of three major components. The mechanical part is a mechanical device control XYZ axis travel, it is mainly driven by ball screw XY-axis motion actuators, cylinders, rails and other executive agencies. Electrical part by AC servo motors, optical encoders, various detection sensors, solenoid control valve. Control of some of the major developed by the Japanese company FANUC 0 FANUC CNC system. [Keywords] Sealing means Transmission X-Y-Z FANUC 0 目 录 第1章 绪论………………………………………………………………………1 1.1引言………………………………………………………………………1 1.2用于密封涂胶的发展概况…………………………………………1 1.3课题的来源、研究及意义……………………………………………2 1.4课题研究的内容……………………………………………………3 第2章 自动涂胶机的总体设计方案………………………………………



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