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配电网无功功率优化研究 摘 要 无功功率的有效优化与合理控制既能提高电力系统运行时的电压质量,也能有效减少网损,节约能源,是保证电力系统安全经济运行的重要措施,对电网调度和规划具有重要的指导意义。 无功优化的核心问题主要集中在数学模型和优化算法两方面,其中数学模型问题是根据解决问题的重点不同来选取不同的目标函数;而优化算法的研究则大量集中在提高计算速度、改善收敛性能上。本文选取有功网损最小作为数学模型的目标函数,数学模型的约束条件有各节点的注入有功、无功功率的等式约束和各节点电压、发电机输出无功功率、可调变压器变比、并联补偿电容量、发电机机端电压均在各自的上下限之内的不等式约束,优化方法采用遗传算法。设计和编制了牛顿拉夫逊直角坐标matlab潮流计算程序以及遗传算法无功优化的matlab潮流计算程序。通过IEEE30节点系统的算例分析,得出基于遗传算法的无功优化能有效降低系统网损、提高电压水平,验证了该算法在解决多变量、非线性、不连续、多约束问题时的独特优势,并指出了该算法的不足之处以及如何改善。 关键词:牛顿拉夫逊法,无功优化,遗传算法 Research ofeactive Power Optimization Distribution Network ABSTRACT Reactive power with reasonable optimization and control of Power system can not only improve the stability of power system, but also effectively reduce network losses and save energy. It ensures the safety and economic operation of power systems and improve the voltage quality. It is important for planning departments on grid reactive power scheduling. Reactive power optimization focuses on mathematical models and optimization algorithms. The mathematical model is selected depending on the focus of problem-solving. Optimization algorithm is concentrated in improving the calculation speed and improve the convergence performance. This paper selects the active power loss minimum objective function as a mathematical model, the constraints of mathematical model are each node of the injected active and reactive power equality constraint and the node voltage and reactive power of generator output, adjustable transformer ratio, parallel capacitance compensation, the generator terminal voltage within the respective upper and lower limits of the inequality constraints, optimization method using genetic algorithms. Design Cartesian coordinate Newton Raphson power flow calculation method and genetic algorithm matlab calculate the reactive power optimization procedures. Through a numerical example of the IEEE 30 node system, we can draw reactive power optimization based on genetic algorithm can effectively reduce system loss and improv


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