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编号南京航空航天大学金城学院毕业论文题目破产会计问题研究学生姓名学号系部专业班级指导教师二〇一六南京航空航天大学金城学院本科毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺书本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文)(题目:破产会计问题研究)是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。尽本人所知,除了毕业设计(论文)中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本毕业设计(论文)不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。作者签名: 2016年月日(学号):破产会计问题研究摘要本文立足于时代背景,对破产会计的内容和研究现状进行分析,本文认为当前破产会计虽然涉及较多的方面,但是较为主要的是破产会计之兼并的问题,这个很大程度上影响企业的生死存亡。当前我国中小企业的发展处于一个重要的历史关头,众多的企业因为抱我市场机遇而迅速发展壮大,但是仍有部分企业没有把握市场规律面临着破产兼并的危险。破产的内容包含至少三个方面的参与,任何一方的参与都将影响破产流程的全局。破产兼并的方式有很多,但是重点都是解决破产后被兼并企业以及兼并的优势企业的财务问题,使他们在破产后能够获得良性的平衡。然而,总结那些这么多年来市场经济出现的问题,在面对这一破产兼并的状况时,我们认为不管是兼并着还是被兼并者乃至是人民法院等参与者都应该遵守破产法的相关规定,切实履行破产的相关程序。当然最重要的是要维护好破产兼并时的5条原则,在此基础上进行资产的整合以及债务的偿还。关键字:破产;兼并;中小企业;财务Bankruptcy accounting studiesAbstractBased on the time background, the content and the study of bankruptcy accounting present situation analysis, thought the current our country small and medium-sized enterprises in the development of an important historical juncture, numerous enterprises grow quickly in response to hug me market opportunity, but there are still some enterprises did not grasp the law of market is facing the danger of bankruptcy merger.Bankruptcy content contains at least three aspects of participation, the participation of any party will affect the global of the bankruptcy process.Bankruptcy merger and there are many ways, but the key is to solve bankruptcy after the enterprise mergers and acquisitions and mergers of the financial aspects of the advantage of the enterprise, make them to have a more benign balance after bankruptcy.However, summarizes the problems in the market economy, all these years of bankruptcies and mergers in the face of this situation, we think that whether a merger with or be acquirers and even is a peoples court and other participants should comply with the relevant provisions of the law, to implement the relevant procedure of bankruptcy.Bankruptcies and mergers of course the most important thing is to safeguard the five principles, on the basis of the integration of assets and repay debt.Key words: