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这世界,你最珍贵~ ;目;
;A 72-year-old woman
presents with rapidly progressive horizontal and vertical diplopia as well as pain in the right forehead and right nasal region
The lesioninvolves the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus extending into the rightorbital apex, as demonstrated by loss of normal fat attenuation in thislocation.
The walls of thebilateral sphenoid sinuses are thickened and sclerotic, as is the intersphenoidalseptum. The sphenoid sinus is opacified.
There is noevidence of a destructive process involving the mastoid air cells on theprovided images.
Focal corticaldisruption of the lateral wall of the right sphenoid sinus is present.
;Question :No.2
Brain MR images demonstrate which of the following?
(Check all that apply)
颅脑 MR图像的表现包括下列那种?(选择全部正确选项)
A.Sphenoid sinus opacification 蝶窦浑浊
B.Internal carotid artery occlusion颈内动脉闭塞
C.Normal pattern of sphenoid sinus mucosal enhancement
D.Unilateral cavernous sinus expansion单侧海绵的膨胀
Thecontrast-enhanced T1-weighted images show diffuse loss of normal aeration ofthe sphenoid sinus with intrinsic T1 hyperintense signal and peripheral mucosalenhancement. There is some associated left sphenoid sinus expansion, consistentwith early mucocele-like changes.
There is noevidence of internal carotid artery occlusion in these images.
At thesuperolateral margins of the bilateral sphenoid sinuses, there is loss ofmucosal enhancement pattern, and nodular soft-tissue thickening is present.
Asymmetricexpansion of the right cavernous sinus with soft-tissue attenuation and outwardconvexity of the lateral wall of the right cavernous sinus are seen.
;This axialcontrast-enhanced CT of the brain in bone window shows cortical disruption ofthe lateral wall of the right sphenoid