
创业板上市公司智力资本与公司价值关系的实证分析-empirical analysis on the relationship between intellectual capital and corporate value of gem listed companies.docx

创业板上市公司智力资本与公司价值关系的实证分析-empirical analysis on the relationship between intellectual capital and corporate value of gem listed companies.docx

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创业板上市公司智力资本与公司价值关系的实证分析-empirical analysis on the relationship between intellectual capital and corporate value of gem listed companies

中南民族大学硕士学位论文中南民族大学硕士学位论文创业板上市公司智力资本与公司价值关系的实证研究创业板上市公司智力资本与公司价值关系的实证研究IIIIII摘 要曾经风靡全球的“中国制造”近几年来面临发展危机,打破僵局,寻找提升 公司竞争优势、增加公司价值的“利器”成为理论界和实践界共同的目标。知识 经济时代的来临,智力资本被认为是企业价值创造的新推手,过去的几十年里许 多学者对于智力资本的价值进行了探索式的研究,但基于中国背景下关于智力资 本与公司价值关系的研究尚不多见。本文主要研究中国创业板上市公司智力资本 与公司价值之间的关系,因为创业板市场是资本市场技术创新和商业模式创新的 晴雨表,在一定程度上一个国家创业板市场的活跃程度反映了这个国家的经济活 力和技术创新水平,提升“中国制造”的新生军在创业板市场,而且在创业板市 场上市的公司基本上属于智力资本密集型。本文在阅读理论文献的基础上,依次对智力资本概念、构成、测量、公司价 值评估、智力资本与公司价值的相关研究进行梳理,建立本文的理论模型,并以 此提出假设与各项指标的设计。本文主要是探讨不同公司背景下上市公司智力资 本、公司价值是否存在差异,智力资本各构成要素人力资本、结构资本、关系资 本和创新资本与公司财务价值、非财务价值之间具体关系。围绕于此,通过调查 问卷、统计分析进行了假设检验,研究结论总结如下:(1)创业板上市公司在公 司规模、成立时间、公司性质和地区分布的背景下,智力资本与公司价值情况并 未表现出差异性,在行业分布、公司类型的背景下差异性显著;(2)创业板上市 公司智力资本对公司财务价值有显著正向影响,上市公司智力资本对促进公司财 务价值的提升有着重要意义,按照与公司财务价值关系强度由大到小排列顺序为 创新资本、结构资本、关系资本、人力资本;(3)创业板上市公司智力资本对公 司非财务价值有显著正向影响,上市公司智力资本对公司非财务价值作用不可忽 视,关系强度由大到小排列顺序为关系资本、人力资本、创新资本、结构资本。关键字: 智力资本;公司价值;非财务价值;创新资本AbstractIn recent years, there has been some crises in development of Made in China, which was popular all over the world. It is the common target of scholars and businessmen to break the deadlock and look for the companys competitive advantages which can increase the real value of the company. At the age of knowledge economy, intellectual capital is regarded as a new pushing hand of creating value. Therefore, in the past few decades many scholars have studied and explored the value of intellectual capital. However, the research on relationship between intellectual capital and company value in the Chinese context is still rare. This thesis focuses on the relationship between the companys intellectual capital and company value listed on the GEM in China. Owing to the GEM market is a barometer of capital markets technology innovation and business model innovation, to some extent, a national GEM reflects this countrys economic vitality and capacity of technological innovation. The companies listed on GEM is by and large intellectual capital-intensive. Consequently, the newborn of Made in China on the GEM mark



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