创业团队成员冲突与企业资源整合能力关系分析-analysis on the relationship between the conflict of entrepreneurial team members and the ability of enterprise resource integration.docx
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创业团队成员冲突与企业资源整合能力关系分析-analysis on the relationship between the conflict of entrepreneurial team members and the ability of enterprise resource integration
摘 摘 要 PAGE PAGE IIIAbstractWith the constant improvement of the market economy and support of national policy, entrepreneurship has become a trend and a common phenomenon in todays society. Abraham Maslow has said that extraordinary also five levels of need: physiological, security, ownership, honor, and self-worth. Entrepreneurship is no longer just for survive, now more for the self - worth and win the honor. Entrepreneurship has become an important component of personal and social life.There for the same see entrepreneurial economy has become the engine to promote Chinas rapid economic growth, its contribution to boost GDP growth and create employment opportunities. But not all entrepreneurs can survive in this entrepreneurial wave. On the one hand, with the ever-expanding amount of information, the intensification of global competition, technology updates to speed up and other factors, makes the degree of risks and uncertainties faced by entrepreneurs are higher than any one period. On the other hand, there have not enough cash to support for individual entrepreneurs, models of successful management and clear strategies for the future, so withstand risks and emergencies ability are low. Entrepreneurial activity in the face of such a complex environment, more and more inclined to adopt the entrepreneurial team mode.Review the previous literature can be found in research on entrepreneurial activity is still very limited, and the majority of entrepreneurship research literature regarded research focuses on the personal characteristics of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial team still in its infancy. But constrained by the ability and energy of a single entrepreneur in real life it is difficult to success in the case of shortage of resources. Composed of a structure complementary clarify the respective roles of entrepreneurial team venture guarantee of success. Since it is a team inevitably produce conflict, contradiction, traditional conflict view that all conflicts ar
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