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A STUDY ON ENVIRONMENTAL UTILITY PLANNING IMPLICATIONS OF DISTRIBUTED POWER GENERATION FOR A REGIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARD OF INDIA Objective Optimal generation expansion plan under the conventional least cost planning strategy (business as usual case} with and without DSM ( TRP IRP cases ) To study the change in optimal generation expansion plan with DPGs introduced as existing and candidate plants. Impact of DPGs on total cost of generation expansion and also on emission of different Green House Gases in NREB system. Sensitivity Analyses with respect to some key parameters related to DPG plants. Methodology Least cost generation expansion plan minimizes cost of power generation from existing and candidate power plants and installing candidate power plant over certain period. If Case Studies NREB system Input data and assumptions * * S.C. Srivastava, B.K. Barnwal Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur-208016, India Dharam Paul, Praveen Gupta Environ. Energy Conservation Div. Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi-110066, India R.M. Shrestha, R.Shrestha Energy Program, Asian Institute of technology Pathumthani-12120, Thailand A.K. Srivastava Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA Mitigating Environmental Emissions from the Power Sector: Analyses of Technical and Policy Option in Selected Asian Countries (Funded by Swedish International Development Agency) Issue#1:Least cost supply side option for mitigating GHG and other harmful emissions from the power sector subject to emission target Issue#2: Identification of some CDM projects in the power sector and assessment of their GHG and other harmful emission mitigation potential Issue#3: Environmental implications of IPPs and decentralized power generation Mathematically, least cost generation expansion plan minimizes following objective function, Where, System constraints are : Power demand constraint: Sum of power generation by all power plants (existing and candidate) in each b


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