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Our Team Silence Members: Amy Jiaqi Magical 美剧:《Lie To Me》 著名的美剧:《别对我说谎》 著名的案例 克林顿和白宫见习生莱温斯基有染,克林顿想着全世界在电视机上说,他说:I did not have sexual relations with that woman Miss Levinsky. 但当他说话的时候,他的眼神和手指方向完全不一样,而这个动作便出卖了他,他在说谎。 * * * * * Our Topic: The Psychology of microexpression 微表情心理学 Definition A microexpression is a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans when one is trying to conceal or repress an emotion. They usually occur in high stakes situations, where people have something to lose or gain. 微表情是人在试图隐藏或者控制某种情绪时不自觉地表现出来、且持续时间很短的一种面部表情。微表情通常会在人们经历得失、情势危急的时候出现。 Purpose Maximize the understanding of each other; Master their circumstances; Avoid danger, deception, embarrassment or loss of social status; Induction, confirmation or control each others ideas; · 最大限度地了解对方; · 掌握所处的境况; · 避免危险、欺骗、窘境或社会地位损失;   · 诱导、确认或控制对方的想法; Expression meaning Analysis of the various movements Fingertips barricaded spire: tremendous and self-confidence. Research study, if nervous fingers when your hands is hard to look Alignment. 指尖搭成塔尖:深具自信。研究指出,若紧张时双手十指是难以一下对准的 Hand insert pockets, eyes looked around, not looking straight at that tense fear, lack of confidence on their own. 手插口袋,眼睛左顾右盼,不敢直视对方,表示紧张害怕,对自己没有信心。 Sip lips, scratching, intense distress, loss 抿嘴唇,挠头,窘迫紧张,不知所措 With hand on forehead brow places such as the wipe-like, expressed shame. 用手抚额头眉骨处,如擦汗状,表示羞愧。 Mouth slightly open, eyes largely open, that means one is stunned. 嘴微张,眼睁大,表示对方错愕 Eyes looked around, afraid to look directly at each other, said tension fear, not confidence in their own 眼睛左顾右盼,不敢直视对方,表示紧张害怕,对自己没有信心 Glasses often help cheating, or playing tie necklaces, if thought as a research and development work on the class does not matter, but as a sales office, there may appear self-confident enough, uneasy; 常扶眼镜等小动作,或把玩领带项链等,若作为开发研究类思考性工作则无所谓,但若作为销售等职位,则有可能显示自信不足,心神不宁 How can we to improve the tense “micro-expressions” 我们如何去改善紧张“微表情”呢? 1.Breathing(呼吸操) The tension be



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