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上海交通大学医学院儿科学临床医学八年一贯制课件 新生儿总论
Neonatology Topics on today General introduction Neonatal Septicemia Neonatal Respiratory Distress case discussion and presentation Question: Language preferred for lectures Chinese in full English in full Most in Chinese Most in English About half and half Neonatology: General introduction Video presentation Important to notice Recognize neonates with different gestational age (GA) General care for the neonates Special risks of the prematures and LBW Importance of the initial examination after birth General Profile and Classification of Neonates Definition and period of life time: Who are Neonates? Classifying based on : gestational age (GA) birth weight (BW) GA+BW time after birth and risk factors Factors influencing intrauterine growth Aims of examination after birth To evaluate the outcome of intrauterine growth To reveal any risk factors in perinatal period and any infection existed To find any congenital and genetic diseases/abnormalities Care after birth Keep warm Respiratory Care Umbilicus Eyes Cleaning Skin Care Feeding Preventing infection Care Pattern: Room-In Breast feeding Social psychological development Nursing and care Please watching the video * * Jianxing Zhu, 朱建幸 Neonatology Department of Pediatrics Xinhua Hospital Shanghai Jiaotong Universityb School of Medicine Now *
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