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机械交通学院“卓越工程师”班毕业论文机械交通学院“卓越工程师”班毕业设计题 目 小米收获机——粮仓装置设计班级姓名学号答辩时间年月新疆农业大学机械交通学院PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT31摘 要 粮食是关系国计民生的重要战略性商品, 随着中国加入WTO和粮食市场的逐渐开放,储存大量的粮食对稳定国民经济的发展起到至关重要的作用。编制粮食规划对于实现区域粮食平衡、促进粮食产业发展、增加农民收入、提高流通效率、保证社会稳定有着重要的意义。粮仓是现代一种普遍的储粮设备,主要作用是储存农民积压的和准备放存粮食,防止粮食受潮受湿,防止各种害虫等作用,在中国的广大农村具有广泛的应用价值。 在查阅大量国内外资料基础之上,本文首先对粮仓的结构设计进行了分析,其次在节约材料的基础上,对粮仓的各个部位进行了强度校核,在吸取国内外各种粮仓经验之后,本文力求设计出一种结构简单,节省材料,结实耐用的新型粮仓。 本文对农用粮仓的整体结构进行设计和分析,整体材料,运用过程进行详细研究,也对粮仓的各个部件进行了明确分析。 根据粮仓的用途,为了保证安全可靠,同时本文对其安全性也进行了深入的分析,对多个部件进行选型,并且绘制了粮仓的零件图和整体布置图。本新型粮仓采用高分子材料制成,具有防鼠、防虫、防潮、防火的性能,占地少、重量轻、贮粮多、外形美观、折叠方便。关键词:粮仓 结构设计 强度校核 坚固耐用AbstractGranary is a common modern grain storage equipment, main effect is stored grain, prevent grain moisture, prevent various pests and role in Chinas rural each has wide application value.In consulting a large number of domestic and foreign material foundation, this paper firstly the structure design of the barn was analyzed, and the second in managing material, on the basis of the granary parts of the intensity, in absorbs the domestic and foreign various granary after experience, this paper tries to design a kind of simple structure, save material, sturdy new granary.In this paper the structure of the agricultural granary design and analysis, and the overall materials, using the detailed process, also of the barn of each parts on the clear analysis.According to the granary of USES, in order to guarantee period safe, reliable, and also this paper to its security also utterly a deep analysis of multiple parts selection, and to draw the granary of the overall layout drawing and.Key words:Granary select material structure design strength check structure and beautiful, strong and durable 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 引言 PAGEREF _Toc444696077 \h 41、研究背景 PAGEREF _Toc444696078 \h 42、粮仓的分类及特点 PAGEREF _Toc444696079 \h 52.1根据粮仓的使用性质可分为: PAGEREF _Toc444696080 \h 52.2根据粮仓的结构形式可分为: PAGEREF _Toc444696081 \h 62.3根据储存方式可分为: PAGEREF _Toc444696082 \h 63、国内外粮仓的发展概况 PAGEREF _Toc444696083


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