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DRAFT * * Will Patients want more accessibility and optimal quality of care; Health authorities recognize the need and benefits; Healthcare organizations are under constant pressures to treat more patients better under fixed budgets; Healthcare professionals grow more attuned to technologies and understand their value-add; Overall, there is a desire and a willingness to collaborate and participate. Capacity Infrastructures are being deployed and increasingly available. Networked application technologies are mature and proven. Capability Infoway is mandated as a catalyst to support the creation of interoperable EHR solutions; Expertise exists in Canada to create and deploy the solutions. * * * * * * * * * * 在计算机应用初期,人们也曾提出了集成化信息系统的设想,但是终因软件和硬件能力不足而导致失败。这是一张70年代的HIS框架图,他有一个主数据库,还有一个用户与应用的通讯系统。在水平层次上,有若干应用系统,例如药品管理,床位管理,财务管理,供应管理和人员管理等子系统。最后,有一个垂直的系统,作为各个子系统的接口与核心数据库通讯。 * 但是,随着局域网和PC机的出现,现实中我们看到的是自下而上的信息系统建设,首先形成若干孤岛,相互间并不交换信息。 * 在医疗卫生领域,为了实现语法和语义互操作的要求,人们研究出各种各样的标准: 第一,消息标准; 例如, CDISC: 临床试验数据报告格式。Format for reporting data collected in clinical trials. Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium NCPDP:药品处方标准。Structure for transmitting prescription requests and fulfilment. The National Council (U.S.A.) for prescription drug programs ASC X12 电子商务信息交换标准。Electronic messages for claims, eligibility and payments. American National Standards Institute, Accredited Standards Committee /x12org/index.cfm IEEE1073 医疗设备通讯消息标准。Messages for medical device communications. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association /sa/sa-view.html CCR 后续治疗医疗文档标准。Document format (for use in the U.S.A. only) that gives snapshot of a patient’s core data and recent encounters (allergies, medications, treatment, care plan) and makes it available to subsequent care providers. ASTM International,E31 Committee on Health Informatics CCD 使用CDA表示CCD数据。Represents CCR data in a CDA encoded in XML. Project between HL7 and ASTM./summit/handouts/dolin/pdf 第二,术语标准 下一章要研


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