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i i10万吨/年10度纯生啤酒厂工艺初步设计摘 要随着经济的发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,啤酒作为一种时尚消费品,已经为人们生活中不可或缺的商品。纯生啤酒作为一种口味更加纯正的饮料酒深受消费者的欢迎,其市场需求日益增加。本设计针对年产10万吨10度纯生啤酒厂工艺进行了初步设计。通过对工艺流程和工艺参数的确定,进行物料衡算、热量衡算、水平衡计算、耗电量计算、设备的计算与选型以及经济概算等。并在设备计算与选型基础上,绘制图纸。通过文献调研,确定了采用下面发酵法,以70%大麦和30%大米为原料进行为期20d(主发酵6d,后发酵14d)的分批式发酵。由物料衡算得出每年需大米4700t、大麦11000t、酒花2350t;由热量衡算得出每年消耗蒸汽4.93×107kg;由水衡算得出每生产1t成品啤酒需耗水6.05t,年耗水量为599700t;由耗冷量的计算得出每年耗冷1.337×1010kJ。并且通过对设备的选型与计算得出需要112.4m3的糖化锅1个,924m3的圆筒体锥底发酵罐20个,.另外还需要21圈,分为3组的换热管。关键词:纯生啤酒;工艺设计;物料衡算;热量衡算;圆筒锥底发酵罐The preliminary design of 10oP pure draft beer factory with an annual output of 100000 tons AbstractWith the development of economy and the rising of our living standard, beer as a kind of fashionable consumer goods, has been an indispensable commodity in life for people. Pure draft beer with taste purity is more popular among consumers, and its market demand has been increasing. The graduation task is to design preliminarily 10oP pure draft beer factory with an annual output of 100000 tons. Based on the determination of technological process and process parameters, material balance, heat balance, water balance, power consumption, calculation and selection of equipments, as well as economic estimate were performed. Finally, the related process flows were drawn. Through literature research, 70 percent of the barley and 30 percent of the rice is identified as raw materials and taken it in batches following by fermentation for 20 days, including main fermentation of 6 days, latter fermentation of 14 days. Drawn from the material balance, 4700t rice, 11000t barley and 2350t hops are needed yearly; drawn by the heat balance, annual consumption of steam is 4.93×107kg; drawn from the water balance, 6.05 tons beer is consumed for 1 ton water, and the consumption of total water is 599700 tons per year; Through the calculation of cold consumption, 1.337×1010 kJ of cold is needed yearly. Through the selection of equipment, the mash kettle is deduced to 112.4m3, 20 conical bottom cylindri
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