
创业投资基于g音乐公司成功个案分析-venture capital based on successful case analysis of g music company.docx

创业投资基于g音乐公司成功个案分析-venture capital based on successful case analysis of g music company.docx

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创业投资基于g音乐公司成功个案分析-venture capital based on successful case analysis of g music company

II摘 要随着借贷融资成本的提高,创业投资这种融资形式越来越被企业所接受,近几年来 我国的创业投资规模处于飞速发展的状态,这种融资模式不仅提高了中小企业的融资能 力,而且提高了公司的管理水平,这种投融资方式对推动科技进步、企业转型升级以及 经济发展都起到推动性作用。本文概述了创业投资的内容以及国内外创业投资发展的状况,从投资企业和被投资 企业的角度,对某创投集团投资 G 音乐公司的成功投资案例进行分析,基于 SWOT 框架, 找出对企业有利值得发扬的长处以及需要克服的略势,发掘创业投资过程中企业应该具 备的素质。该案例的成功投资,也让创投企业懂得,在投资前要做好目标企业的价值分 析,充分评估被投资企业的投资风险,财务状况的分析以及投资后收益预测的分析。通过分析可以看出我国的创投行业还存在人才资源匮乏、体制不够完善、法律制度 不够健全等问题。该案例的成功经验提醒需要获得创业资本注资的被投资企业可尝试向 着创建优秀的管理团队、明确企业文化、合理定位的方向发展,同时培养良好的社交能 力以及敏锐的眼观,与此同时选择正确的投资者。投资者方面,做好投资分析,选择恰 当的投资项目、合理规避投资风险等都是需要注意的问题。关键词:融资,创业投资,SWOT 分析,启示IIIIIIAbstractAs borrowing cost increases, venture capital investment has been accepted by more and more enterprises. Recently, China’s venture investment developed rapidly,which has not only improve the financing capacity of SMEs, but also enhance the company’s level of management. As an efficient way offinancing, venture capital investment also promotes the development of science and technology as well as the transformation and upgrading of enterprises and economic development.This paper summarizes the content of venture capital at home and abroad as well as the situation of development of risk investment industry, using SWOT method to analyze the case of Company G from the perspective of the both sides of investment enterprises, try to find out potential strengths meanwhile overcome the shortcomings. This case could make those companies aware of the facts that the full evaluation of risk of investment, financial situation and earnings are critical to making investment decisions.By analyzing Chinas venture capital industry can be seen that there is scarcity of human resources, the system is not perfect, the legal system is not sound enough. The case of successful experience reminded need to get a capital injection of venture capital investment enterprises can try the towards creating excellent management team, a clear corporate culture, reasonable position in the direction of development, develop good social skills and a keen sharp eyes at th



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