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TD75型可逆配仓带式输送机全套图纸,加153893706专业:机械设计制造及其自动化学生: 摘要: TD75型可逆配仓皮带式输送机是一种输送量大、运行费用低、使用范围广的能够往复行走的输送设备;可逆配仓皮带输送机在使用效果上和卸料小车相同,都是为皮带输送机下方料仓进行布料使用。皮带式输送机的环境使用温度一般为一10℃~+40℃,输送物料温度视输送带不同而不同,普通输送带输送物料温度一般不高于60℃,耐热橡胶带可输送120℃以下的较高温物料,当输送酸性、碱性、油类物料及具有有机溶剂性质的物料时,需选用耐油、耐酸碱的橡胶带或塑料带。本次毕业设计是关于TD75型可逆配仓带式输送机的设计。首先对D75型可逆配仓带式输送机作了简单的概述;接着分析了可逆配仓带式输送机的选型原则及计算方法;然后根据这些设计准则与计算选型方法按照给定参数要求进行选型设计;接着对所选择的输送机各主要零部件进行了校核。可逆配仓的部件组成,基本和皮带输送机相同,结构组成如下:输送带、托辊、机身机架、滚筒、清扫装置等,目前,可逆配仓带式输送机正朝着长距离,高速度,低摩擦的方向发展,近年来出现的气垫式移动输送机就是其中的一个。在可逆配仓带式输送机的设计、制造以及应用方面,目前我国与国外先进水平相比仍有较大差距,国内在设计制造可逆配仓带式输送机过程中存在着很多不足。本次TD75型 HYPERLINK /product_info_id_52.html \t _blank 可逆配仓皮带输送机的设计代表了设计的一般过程,?对今后的选型设计工作有一定的参考价值。关键词:TD75型可逆配仓带式输送机的设计 可逆运动 卸料小车TD75 type reversible bin belt conveyorMajor:Financial ManagementStudent:tao enlin Supervisor: huang lanAbstract: TD75 reversible belt conveyor is a kind of bue to match storehouse, low operation cost, wide range of use of can walk to and fro transportation equipment; Reversible belt conveyor with storehouse on the use effect is the same as the discharging car, are cloth used for belt conveyor below bunker. Environment temperature general belt conveyor is a 10 ℃ ~ + 40 ℃, conveying material temperature varies depending on the conveyor belt, common conveyor belt conveying material temperature is not higher than 60 ℃, heat-resistant rubber belt transporting materials in the relatively high temperature under 120 ℃, when transporting materials in acid, alkali, oil and the material with characteristics of organic solvent, should choose can withstand oil, acid and alkali resistant rubber belt or plastic belt.This graduation design is about TD75 reversible belt conveyor design match storehouse. First of D75 type reversible belt conveyor with storehouse made a brief overview; Then analyzed the principle of type selection of belt conveyor with reversible storehouse and calculation methods; And then according to these design criteria in accordance with the requirements for a


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