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太原理工大学继续教育学院毕业设计--采矿工程专业第 PAGE 15页摘 要毕业设计是采矿工程专业最后一个教学环节,其目的是使本专业学生运用大学阶段所学的知识联系矿井生产实际进行矿井开采设计,并就本专业范围的某一课题进行较深入的研究。中国是世界最大产煤国,煤炭在中国经济社会发展中占有极重要的地位。煤炭是工业的粮食,我国一次能量消费中,煤炭占75%以上。煤炭发展的快慢,将直接关系到国计民生。作为采矿专业的一名学生,我很荣幸能够为祖国煤炭事业尽一份力。本设计所选题目为《山西省柳林县兴无煤矿南采区4#煤层1.20Mt/a井田初步设计》,在所收集地质材料的前提下,由指导教师给予指导,并合理运用平时及课堂上积累的知识,查找有关资料,力求设计出一个高产、高效、安全的现代化矿井。本设计理论联系实际,从矿井的开拓、开采、运输、通风、提升及工作面的采煤方法等各个环节进行了详细的叙述,并进行了技术和经济比较。论述了本设计的合理性,完成了毕业设计要求的内容。同时设计说明书图文并茂,使设计的内容更容易被理解和接受。在设计过程中,得到了指导老师的详细指导和同学的悉心帮助,在此表示感谢。由于设计时间和本人能力有限,难免有错误和疏漏之处,望老师给予批评指正。关键词:井田设计 采煤方法 矿井通风AbstractGraduation design is the last mining engineering teaching, its purpose is to make the students use the university stage knowledge contact mine actual production the mine design, and the professional range of a subject for a more in-depth study.China is the worlds largest coal producing country, coal in Chinas economic and social development plays an important role in. Coal is industrial commissariat, our country primary energy consumption, coal accounted for more than 75%. Coal development speed, will be directly related to the beneficial to the peoples livelihood. As mining specialized student, I am very honored to coal for the country contribute force.The design of the selected topic of Shanxi province Liulin County colliery mining area 1.20Mt/a coal mine south of 4# preliminary design , in the collection of geological material under the premise, guided by the teacher to give guidance, and rational use of peacetime and class of accumulated knowledge, find the relevant information, and strive to design a high yield, high efficiency, safety modern mine.The design of integration of theory with practice, from the mine development, mining, transport, ventilation, and enhance the working face coal mining method and other aspects were described in detail, and the technical and economic comparison. Discusses the rationality of the design, completed the graduation design content. At the same time the design specification with illus


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