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XXXXXX大学 中文题目:基于Android的手机运动APP的设计与实现 外文题目:Based on the design and implementation of the Android sports APP 学 号: XXXXXXX 姓 名: XXX 年 级: 201X 级 系 别: 计算机科学系 专 业: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 完成日期: 2017年X月X日 指导教师: XXX 摘要 毕业论文(设计)作者签名:XXX 日期: 2017年X月X日 PAGE I ABSTRACT - PAGE 1 -基于Android的手机运动APP的设计与实现摘 要 当今社会的生活节奏越来越快,随着硬件移动设备的越来越先进,人们对移动设备的要求也越来越高,从以前的追求技术到现在的追求视觉,因此,也逐步的提高了对系统的要求,本文主要是对Android系统上一的款运动APP应用程序的设计与实现进行讨论。Android是一个开源的系统,它底层是基于Linux的操作系统,本论文的运动APP采用了Android开源系统技术,利用Java语言和Eclipse编辑工具对播放器进行编写。同时给出了详细的系统设计过程、部分界面图及主要功能运行流程图,本文还对高度过程中遇到的问题和解决方法进行了详细的讨论,该运动APP集计时,秒表,心跳速率,统计步数等功能于一体,性能良好,在Android系统中能独立运行。关键词:Android, sports APP Based on the design and implementation of the Android sports APPABSTRACT The pace of life in todays society, with more advanced hardware mobile devices for mobile devices, people more and more is also high, the requirements from the previous pursuit to pursue the visual technology, therefore, also gradually improve the system requirements, the paper mainly is to take on a sports app from system design and realization of the application is discussed. Take the system is an open source, it is based on the operating system, use the Linux music player of the Android open-source system technology, using the Java language and editing tools for players to Eclipse. Presents the detailed design process, the part of the system and the main functions of operation interface diagram of height, this paper also flow process problems and solving methods are discussed in detail, and the music player episode, pause, stop and a, next, volume adjustment, lyrics display functions, such as performance is good, can operate independently in the Android system. This app has access to the file browser phone functions, chronograph and step number a



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