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PAGE PAGE II PAGE I汽车倒车雷达系统设计毕业设计论文摘要本文的内容是基于超声波测距的汽车倒车雷达系统的设计,主要是利用超声波的特点和优势,将超声波测距系统和STC89C52RC单片机结合于一体,设计出一种基于STC89C52RC单片机的汽车倒车雷达系统。本系统采用软硬件结合的方法,包括电源模块、单片机及显示模块、报警模块、超声波发射与接收模块,具有模块化和多功能化的特点。该设计的原理是超声波发射器发射一连串超声波,遇到障碍物后反射回来,由超声波接收器接收,只要能计算出超声波从发射到接收的时间,就可以通过计算子程序得出汽车与障碍物的距离,当距离小于报警距离时,发出相应的声光报警。论文概述了汽车倒车雷达系统的发展及基本原理,阐述了超声波传感器的原理及特性。对于系统的一些主要参数进行了讨论,并且在介绍超声波测距系统功能的基础上,提出了系统的总体构成。通过多种设计方案比较,得出了最佳设计方案,并对系统各个设计单元的原理进行了介绍。对组成各系统电路的芯片进行了介绍,并阐述了它们的工作原理。论文介绍了系统的软件结构,通过编程来实现系统功能。关键词:汽车倒车雷达系统;STC89C52RC;超声波测距 AUTOMOBILE-REVERSING RADAR SYSTEMAbstractThe paper is based on the ultrasonic distance reversing collision avoidance system design, mainly using ultrasound features and advantages, ultrasound ranging system and the integration with the integration STC89C52RC monolithic integrated circuit,including power supply module, SCM and display module, alarm module, ultrasonic transmitting and receiving modules, STC89C52RC monolithic integrated circuit based on the design of a reverse collision avoidance warning systems.The design principle of ultrasonic launcher is a series of ultrasonic, encounter obstacles reflected, by the ultrasonic receiver, as long as you can calculate the ultrasonic from transmitting to receiving time, calculation and program can be used cars and obstacle distance, when the distance is less than the alarm distance, sends out the corresponding sound and light alarm.The paper outlines the development and the basic principles of ultrasound tests on the principles and characteristics of ultrasound sensors. Some of the main parameters for the system were discussed, and introducing ultrasonic ranging system functions basic, the overall composition of the system. Through multiple design comparison, the best designed program drawn, and various system design modules principles introduced. On the composition of the system circuit chip introduced and elaborated the principles of their work. Papers introduced system software architecture, through programming to


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