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SJ0202-2016版分类号:TP311.1 U D C:D10621-408-(2016)2593-0密 级:公 开 编 号:2012121068成都信息工程大学学位论文基于JavaWeb技术的旅游网站的设计与实现论文作者姓名:申请学位专业:网络工程申请学位类别:工学学士指导教师姓名(职称):论文提交日期:基于JavaWeb技术的旅游网站的设计与实现摘 要由于互联网的快速的发展和使用人数的普遍提高,计算机和互联网在人们生活中的地位已经表现的越来越重要了。将旅游行业与互联网结合在一起已经成为了一种必然的趋势。旅游行业最重要的就是应该要有完善的旅游信息供人们了解各地名胜风景及其周边信息,通过计算机网络技术可以轻松的收集、整理各种旅游信息。相比过去传统的方法,如通过书籍、报刊等获取旅游信息,计算机网络技术大大节省了人们耗费的时间与精力。将计算机网络技术与旅游行业结合起来不仅方便了人们的生活出行,并且有助于加快旅游行业的整体发展。此文根据旅游行业目前的发展趋势,提出了一种可行的解决办法:采用jsp技术、MVC模式、mysql数据库、jdbc技术等,设计开发了一个现代化的旅游网站并实现对旅游信息的网络化管理,网站功能包括:发表旅游信息、用户登录和注册、用户更改个人信息、查看景点信息、用户交流、酒店预订等功能,论述了设计开发的基本过程,文章共分为前言、旅游网站需求分析、旅游网站系统概要设计、旅游网站详细设计、旅游网站系统测试,其中重点介绍了各功能模块的实现过程。关键词:旅游网站;Mysql;信息管理;JSPThe Design and Achieve of Tourism Website Based on JavaWeb TechnologyAbstractWith the rapid development of the Internet technology and the popularization of computers,computers and the Internet have become more and more important in peoples lives. It has become an inevitable trend to combine the tourism industry with the Internet. It is the most important for the tourism industry that people can get a comprehensive scenic spot information and information around the scenic spots , people can collect and sort out a variety of tourism information through the computer network technology easily. Compared with the traditional methods, such as the use of books, newspapers and other travel information, computer network technology has greatly saved peoples time and energy consumption. It is not only convenient for people to travel, but also helps to speed up the overall development of the tourism industry if we can combine the computer network technology with the tourism industry.According to the current trend of development of the tourism industry. the paper proposed a feasible solution and build a modern tourist sites using JSP technology, MVC pattern, MySQL database and JDBC technology. The website realized network management for tourism information and can execute some fuctions including travel information


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