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语法填空中高错误率题目 错题号/错答案 考查内容 错误原因 61(retiring) 词形变化 没明确句意 63 (to set) 时态 没分清谓语和非谓语 68 (aged) 分词 没把握好上下文的逻辑关系 69 (the) 冠词 上下文理解有误 1、牢记考点,关注你的易错点 (时态/冠词/连词/代词等); 2、做题时: 1)理解全篇,注意上下文逻辑关系; 2)寻找依据; 3)论证答案。 答题技法小结: 第一招:根据语境(上下文)判断词义。 第二招:根据句子成分判断词性。 第三招:根据句子类型判断词类。 第四招:根据固定搭配和固定句型来确定。 Task5:短文改错(满分10分) 平均分 优秀率 (8分以上) 及格率 (6分以上) 56% 93% 最高分 8分以上人数 6分以上人数 9 17人 28人 短文改错 错题点: 连接副词(However(错题人数:12) 名词性从句(that)(错题人数:6) 介词(去掉from)(错题人数:10) 不定代词 others(错题人数:27) 错误原因:基础知识掌握不牢. Nowadays the old saying,“Listening is important than talking”,becomes popularity. The saying told us the true meaning of communication with others. We need to master some communication skills in a competitive society,which mean paying attention to other’s opinions is more important than expressing one’s own words. ^ more tells popular means others’ Listening shows your respect for others. Willingness to listen can make you gain trust and friendship. A talkative person without hearing others contributes to fail to be popular. However, listening can really beneft from yourself. You are the one to make choices in your life. According to that is said above,listening is truly important. what failing gain Therefore 课下训练时: 1、注意动词的时态 (一定要根据上下文和时间状语检查动词的时态和语态的运用); 2、注意各类从句连接词的用法; 3、注意非谓语动词的用法 ; 4、关注短语中介词的用法(用还是不用介词)。 步骤1 审题(时态,人称,分段) 步骤2 罗列要点(化繁为简) 步骤3 组句成文 (连贯性-关联词) 步骤4 步骤5 抄写 检查 具体怎样写文章 书面表达 【审题谋篇】 1. 本篇为应用文,是常见文体,写信的目的是 阐明你对某个热门话题-阻挡高铁发车的观点,并对此做出简要评论。 2. 人称:第二人称与第一人称 3. 时态:一般过去时 高分作文的特点:注意体现(1全+5美) 一、要点全 二、五个美 1、外在美(字体、卷面) 2、结构美(段落、层次) 3、词汇美(词汇、短语) 4、句式美(长短句结合) 5、过渡美(句段的衔接) Dear Tom, Last Monday,students in our class held a meeting to discuss the incident that a bullet train was stopped by a woman. This incident has become a hot topic throughout the country. Students in our class expressed their own opinions on it. At the meeting,all students thought it illegal to stop the regular arrival and leaving of the bu