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PAGE PETROSIN PETROSIN 房地产2011年6月17日PETROSIN房地产有限公司………………………………………………出租方安华(新加坡)有限公司………………………………………………承租方…………………………………………………………………………….. 租赁合同 900平方英尺,29楼01A室,淡马林荫大道7号,新达成大厦,新加坡 038987……………………………………………………………………………..PETROSIN房地产私人有限公司淡马林荫大道7号,29楼04室,新达成大厦,新加坡 038987 电话:(65)6334 7177 传真:(65)6334 7877 通信地址:Orchard邮局 152信箱, 新加坡 912306 公司注册号. 199506864R PETROSIN房地产有限公司与安华(新加坡)有限公司于2011年6月17日拟定一份协议,PETROSIN房地产有限公司,公司注册号:199506864R,本公司注册于新加坡,注册办公室位于淡马林荫大道7号,29楼04室,新达成第一大厦,新加坡038987(之后统称为“出租方”),安华(新加坡)有限公司。公司注册号:2011087712,公司注册于新加坡,注册办公室位于淡马林荫大道34楼03室,新达成第三大厦,新加坡038988(之后统称为“承租方”)Whereby it is agreed as follows:1. The Landlord hereby grants and the Tenant hereby accepts a tenancy of all the premises(“the Premises”)more particularly described in Annex A herewith described as in a bare condition for a term of Twenty Four Months (two years) with an option to renew this agreement for an additional one year at a mutually agreed price based on prevailing market rental agreed in writing by both parties, commencing on 1st August, 2011 (the “ Commencement Date”) subject to the terms and stipulations hereinafter contained and payment to the landlord of monthly rental which must be paid in advance on the first day of each month for the whole month or proportionately for any part of a month, the first of such payment to be made on or before the Agreement Signing Date as follows: 出租方准予并且承租方接受所有房屋租赁合同的有关条款,特别是附件A中描述的情况,承租方在24个月(2年)内,可以选择续租一年,租金基于当时的市场价格并由双方协商并书面确定,根据以下条款和规定,租赁起始于2011年8月1日(“起始日期”),房租于每月一号前以月租的形式交给出租方,不足一月需按相应比例缴纳租金,在协议签订之日或之前,第一次租金缴纳形式如下:(ⅰ) during the term of tenancy from 1st August, 2011 to 31st July 2013(both dates inclusive), a monthly rental of Singapore Dollars Seven Thousand Two Hundred Only (S$ 7,200.00) which is exclusive of 7% GST and calculated at a rate of S$ 8.00 per square foot computed on the total floor area 900 sq.ft of the Premises.


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