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PAGE 东北农业大学学士学位论文 学号:蜜红茶饮料的研究学生姓名:指导教师:所在院系:食品学院所学专业:粮食工程研究方向:粮食工程东 北 农 业 大 学中国·哈尔滨2015年6月Northeast Agricultural University Bachelor Degree Paper Register Number:tudy on Black Tea Beverage with Honey Candidate: Li Supervisor: Wu Xia Department and faculty: Food College Major: Grain Engineering Orientation: Grain Engineering Northeast Agricultural UniversityHarbin ChinaJune,2015摘 要红茶和蜂蜜具有十分丰富的资源且营养丰富,本课题以红茶为主蜂蜜为辅,对红茶饮料的工艺参数和流程加以确认,研究蜂蜜红茶饮料的生产工艺,然后制出该饮料,该红茶饮品滋味酸甜,口味香醇。对不同浸提条件下红茶饮料的香气、色泽和吸光度进行对比研究,得知浸提温度、时间、水茶的质量比及添加剂等因素对蜂蜜红茶饮料制备存在很大影响。本试验研究了不同澄清剂种类对蜂蜜红茶饮料稳定性的影响。最后表明,十分钟的浸提时间,2%的浸提茶水比,浸提温度选为90℃时最佳,同时浸提液的pH值为5.0,再配以2%的复合澄清剂Ⅱ效果更佳。关键词:蜂蜜 红茶饮料 工艺AbstractThere are certain functional components in honey and black tea,and their resources are very abundant.Some researches were conducted on the manufacturing technique of black tea beverage mixed with honey.Major technological parameters and production process were determined so as to develop mellow and savoury black tea beverage with rich nutrition.By comparison of the fragrance,color and absorptivity obtained under different extracting conditions,it could be discovered that extracting time,temperature,concentration and compound clarifying agents had important influence on the preparation of black tea beverage mixed with honey.The another focus of the paper was the influence of various clarifying agents on the stability of the beverage.The results demonstrated that the conditions for optimal extraction conditions were:extraction time 10 min,water to tea ratio 50,extraction temperature 90℃,pH value of the liquid about 5.0,and 2% of the composite clarifying agents II used in the study.Keywords: Honey Black Tea Beverage Technique目录 TOC \o 1-4 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc358226854 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc358226854 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc358226855 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc358226855 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc358226856 1 前言 PAGEREF _Toc358226856 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _To


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