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摘 要 随着世界经济和信息技术快速发展,商务英语信函已经成为对外贸易中不可或缺的重要组成部分。商务英语信函是在商务环境下,利用信函与具有不同文化背景的客户进行国际交流的行为。它是一种专业英语,是开展对外商务活动的基础和重要工具。在商务英语信函中,恰当地运用礼貌原则可以消除与读者间的文化分歧,增进双方认识,给读者留下积极印象;同时,得体地运用合作原则,能够使双方建立贸易关系,彼此信任,共同获利。为提高外贸人员对商务英语信函的礼貌原则和合作原则的认识,增强他们写作商务英语信函写作的有效性,本论文对礼貌原则和合作原则在商务英语信函中的应用进行了具体研究。 关键词:商务英语信函;合作原则;礼貌原则 Abstract With the rapid development of the world economy and information technology, business English letters have become the indispensable important component in the foreign trade. Business English letter is the behavior that uses letters to communicate with clients from different cultural backgrounds in the business environment. It is a kind of specialized English and also the basis and important tool to carry out foreign business activities. In business English letters, the appropriate use of courteous principle between the reader and the author can eliminate the cultural differences and enhance mutual understanding, leaving a positive impression on the reader; meanwhile, the appropriate application of cooperative principle can help both parties to establish trade relations and mutual trust and gain mutual benefit. In order to improve the foreign trade staff’s comprehending of courteous principle and cooperative principle in business English letters and to enhance the effectiveness of their business English letters writing, this paper makes a detailed study on the application of courteous principle and cooperative principle in business English letters. Keywords: business English letters; courteous principle; cooperative principle Contents 摘 要 I Abstract II Contents III 1 Introduction 1 2 Brief Introduction of Business English Letters and Pragmatic Principle 3 2.1 Definition of business English letters 3 2.2 Features of business English letters 3 2.3 Brief introduction of pragmatics principle in business English letters 4 3 Brief Introduction of Courteous Principle and Its Application in Business English Letters 6 3.1 Brief introduction of courteous


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