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《我们只有一个地球》演讲稿   《我们只有一个地球》演讲稿   敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们:   大家早上好!今天我演讲的题目是《我们只有一个地球》。    Dear teachers and schoolmates, good morning!My topictoday is “We have only one earth.”   地球是宇宙中一颗璀璨的明珠。昔日的地球仿佛人间仙境,蓝天碧水、绿树成阴…..而今天的地球却失去了往日的美丽风采,这让人不禁深思:这是为什么?   The earth is a beautiful pearl in the universe. Inthe past, the earth is like a fairyland, clear water andblue sky, green trees... But now, the earth had lost her beauty, the peoplecan not help but think: That is why?    听,森林里传来的不是鸟语花香,而是无情的枪声和电锯声。树木一棵棵倒下了,动物们失去了家园,沙尘暴却越来越猖狂。清澈的河水变成了污水,看不见鱼儿欢快的影子……   Listen, there are no more trees and birds in the forest but thesound of powerful saws. Trees were cut down andanimals losttheir homes. The clear water became dirty, with no fish.   如果再这样下去,我们将呼吸不到新鲜的空气,,我们将无水可饮、无处安身……地球将毁于我们之手。   If this goes on, wecan not get fresh air. There will be no water to drink, no placeto live... The earth will be destroyed in our hands.   我们要做到节约用水、用电,少排放污水,不使用白色垃圾袋,将自己家的垃圾分类装袋,分别投放。然后,为防止人们为制造纸张而乱砍乱伐,我建议用过的作业本用来当草稿纸,读过的旧报纸用来写毛笔字,很旧的书送到废物回收站改造成再生纸。在外面吃饭时不用一次性筷子,喝水的时候不用一次性纸杯。植树节的时候我们一定要多种几颗树,让地球母亲重新披上绿色的外衣!恢复往日的风采!   We should save water and electricity, and put the wastedifferently. Then, I suggest doing homework on used paper, writingChinese characters on old newspapers, and reusing the old books to cut fewertrees. Do not use cups and other things for only one time when we eat out. Plantmore trees to make the earth mother put on green coat! Bebeautiful like before.   同学们,为了我们共同的家园,为了给未来留下蓝天、碧水、绿地、红花……让我们携起手来,共同保护地球的一草一木,因为,我们只有一个地球。   Dear schoolmates, for our homeland, for the clear water, bluesky, green and red flowers. Let us join hands together toprotect the earth, because, we have only one earth.    谢谢大家,我的讲话结束。    That’s all, thank you.      《我们只有一个地球》演讲稿   敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们:   大家早上好!今天我演讲的题目是《我们只有一个地球》。    Dear teachers and schoolmates, good morning!My topictoday is “We have only one earth.”   地球是宇宙中一颗璀璨的明珠。昔日的地球仿佛人间仙境,蓝天碧水、绿树成阴…..而今天的地球却失去了往日的美丽风采,这让人不禁深思:这是为什么?   The earth is a beautiful pearl in the


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