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1河北工程大学科信学院学士学位论文 题 目:建筑施工企业投标报价策略与技巧的研究 班 级:2班 姓 名:程晓广 学 号:100112240 专 业: 工程管理 指导教师:吴宏举摘 要当前,随着市场经济的发展,建筑工程招投标市场和制度日趋成熟完善,市场竞争行为变得越来越激烈,也越来越规范化和理性化。因此对于建筑施工企业而言,如何适应日益激烈的投标环境,巧妙运用投标报价策略和技巧,提高中标率,是投标企业必须研究和重视的问题。投标是企业间综合实力的竞争,不仅取决于企业的技术力量、管理水平、社会信誉等要素,更决定于决策者的智慧和经验。本文首先介绍了建设工程招投标的概念和特点,介绍了投标报价的概念,然后论述了研究工程投标报价策略对于承包商投标成功的重要意义,指出了投标报价策略和技巧的重要性。重点介绍了投标报价的几种策略和投标的技巧,并且在论述时用施工企业的投标实例说明了投标报价策略和技巧的实用性。最后用一个案例证明了本文所论述的投标报价策略和技巧的重要性和实用性。关键词:投标报价;投标策略;投标技巧Construction enterprise bidding strategies and skill researchABSTRACTAt present, with the development of market economy, construction bidding market and improve the system matures, the market competition becoming increasingly fierce, more and more standardized and rational. Therefore the construction business, how to adapt to the increasingly fierce bidding environment, clever use of bidding strategies and techniques to enhance the successful bidder rate, is bidding companies must study and attention. Tender between businesses overall strength of the competition, depends not only on the technical strength of enterprises, management, social factors such as reputation, but also policy-makers decided to wisdom and experience.This paper first introduced the project bidding and characteristics of the concept, introduced the concept of bidding, and then discusses research project contractors bidding strategy for the importance of the success of the tender, that the bidding strategy and the importance of skills. Focus on the bidding of several strategies and techniques, and when used in the construction business on the tender examples of the tender offer practical strategies and skills. Finally this paper, a case that the paper described the bidding strategy and the importance of skills, and practical.Key Words: bidding;bidding strategy;tender skills 目 录 1前 言11.1论文


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