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PAGE1 / NUMPAGES1 呢很多场合中,我们都需要赠送一份合适的答谢礼物来表达自己的感激之情。感谢礼物篇一:送礼感谢信 writing thank you letters and emails 书写感谢信和感谢邮件its polite to write a thank you letter each time you receive a present. you can also write emails to thank people, but its still considered more personal to write a short letter by hand.每次收到礼物后写一封感谢信发送出去是很礼貌的。你也可以写邮件来感谢对方,但是 亲手写一封简短的感谢信会更礼貌。layout and format 文章布局和格式 thank you letters can be quite short, and fill one or two sides of a5 paper (one side of a5 paper is half the size of a sheet of a4 or office paper). you can write your address in the top left hand corner of the paper, but you dont need to write the recipients address. you can also write the date under your address.感谢信可以很短,一面或者两面a5纸就行(一面a5纸是一般a4办公用纸的一半)。你 可以在纸张的左上角方向写下你的地址,但是不需要写收信人的地址。你也可以在你的地址 下面写上日期。 you normally start the letter dear? followed by the name of the person you are writing to. 通常信件的开头“亲爱的?”放在你要写信的对方的称呼前面。 在第一段(可以很短),你应该感谢送礼物的人,再说一些赞美的话:thank you for the book tokens. im looking forward to choosing a book with them. “非常感谢这些书券,我正好在找这些东西。”thank you for the wall calendar. it will be very useful to me this year! “非常感谢您送的挂历。今年对我很有用!” thank you very much for the beautiful soaps. im looking forward to relaxing in a hot bath! “非常感谢这些好看的肥皂。期待洗澡享受它!”thank you very much for the lovely photo frame. it will look very nice on my chest of drawers. “非常感谢这个可爱的相框。放抽屉柜上一定很美。” thank you very much for the elegant scarf you sent me. its exactly what i need for special occasions. “非常感谢您送给我的这条优美的围巾。这正好在特殊场合使用上。”in the second paragraph, you can give general news about how you spent the holiday period (or how you spent your birthday if you have received a birthday present). you could also show interest in the other persons holiday. 在第二段,你可以写写自己是如何度过假期的,(或者如果你收到生日礼物了,你是怎么 过生日的)。你也可以表现出对他人如何度假感兴趣。we had a very quiet and relaxing christmas at home. the kids ate too many chocolates as usual, so now were all on a diet! i hope your christmas was as good, and that you were abl


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