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冀教版小学英语四年级上册lesson 19 birds优秀教学设计
冀教版小学英语四年级上册lesson 19 birds优秀教学设计 Lesson 19: Birds Aims and demands: 1. To study new words: birds,beak,feathers,wings,and same、different 2. To chant:Two little Blackbirds 3.Let’s show our chant. Important points :words and chant Difficult points: read the words and use them. Teaching methods: Situational, pleasant and Co-operation methods. Teaching aids: Computer teaching lesson pieces and objects Teaching steps: Step 1: Warmup 1. Greeting and say our aim together: I am good! I am good! I am good at English! 2. Let’s listen a song and guess what animals can you hear: Cowdog cat pig duck Step 2: New concepts 1.Introduce the new friend: 1)Show the teaching lesson pieces , Watch PPT ,Ask the students to name the animals.Explain that both animals are birds.Ask the students if they can name,in Chinese,any other birds. 2). Tell a story to show the parts of a bird. Points to each part and the class say the new words a few times. New words: birds,beak, wingfeathers, Then let the Ss read and read themafter the computer tape. And fill in the blank on their paper. They can work it in groups. One bird,one beak,two wings,many many feathers. Two birds, two beaksfour wingsmanymany feathers Three birds, three beakssix wingsmany many feathers Four birds, fourbeakseightwings many many feathers 2..Same and different? Show the teaching lesson pieces and some objects, learn the words“same ”and “different” Do a game find friends to practice same and different: This is same. / this is different. 3. Lets chant: two little blackbirds T:What are these? T:What colour are they? T:Very good. They are blackbirds. T: What happened? Then let them watch the ppt and pay attention to the following phrases: Fly away 飞走 come back 回来 the other另一个 Step 3. Consolidation 1.Let’s chant. They can do the action while chanting. 2. Group work: what do you learn from this lesson? Step 4. Homework 1. Colour the bird with y
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