
ontology 与 hownet.ppt

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ontology 与 hownet

提纲 Ontology HowNet vs SUMO/WordNet/VerbNet Ontology 什么是Ontology Ontology与IT/NLP 什么是Ontology Ontology是学问 Ontology是资源 Ontology是学问 哲学上的Ontology AI/KR上的Ontology 数学上的Ontology 软件工程上的Ontology 语言学上的Ontology IT上的Ontology Ontology定义涉及的问题 内在的涵义 外在的表示 作为术语的中文翻译 Ontology与IT/NLP similar to a dictionary or glossary, but with greater detail and structure that enables computers to process its content. An ontology consists of a set of concepts, axioms, and relationships that describe a domain of interest. An upper ontology is limited to concepts that are meta, generic, abstract and philosophical … -- Standard Upper Ontology (SUO) Working Group 是一个以汉语和英语的词语所代表的概念为描述对象,以揭示概念与概念之间以及概念所具有的属性之间的关系为基本内容的常识知识库。 --《知网》 典型的Ontology Cyc: http:// IFF: The IFF Foundation Ontology WordNet: EuroWordNet: http: // HowNet: SUMO: EDR: VerbNet: /verbnet/ Prototype(sinica): .tw/CKIP/ontology/ HowNet vs SUMO/WordNet/VerbNet SUMO – Suggested Upper Merged Ontology Mapping WordNet to SUMO SUMO – Suggested Upper Merged Ontology SUMO Sources SUMO Subclass Hierarchy Tree SUMO Subclass Hierarchy Tree making constructing manufacture publication cooking searching pursuing investigating diagnostic process social interaction change of possession giving unilateral giving lending getting unilateral getting borrowing Motivation for Mapping How can a formal ontology be used


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