
教育心理学 Chapter 5.ppt

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5.Ego boundaries and tolerance of ambiguity in second language learning Madeline Ehrman What kind of student are you? Two kinds of students: ● students relying heavily on explanations of articulatory phonetics and extensive drilling to achieve an approximation of native pronunciation . have thick boundaries ● students who are easygoing about pronunciation and expecting it to take care of itself without much direct attention. have relatively thin ego boundaries What do we mean by thick and thin ego boundaries? Ego: a psychoanalytic term which meant a system of mental operations, cognitive and affective , that constitute an individual’s sense of self, rather than a perceivable object. Ego boundaries: A concept coming from psychoanalytic theory which is also characteristic of people in general. The author defines it as the degree to which individuals tend to compartmentalize their experience. Thick ego boundaries and thin ego boundaries Thick ego boundaries: characterized by tendencies to make clear separations among internal states and to make clear delineations among categories in daily life. People who have generally thick boundaries tend to be relatively meticulous and orderly, and they are often relatively unreceptive to new information. Prototypes for thick boundary people: naval officers Thin ego boundaries: Tend to make few distinctions among internal states. Not only tolerate but embrace ambiguity. Thinking and feeling are not necessarily always distinct processes. Open to their own intuition and trust it, may profess to have had extrasensory perception experiences. Accept almost all aspects of their experiences in the world- always as if they had no skin-and can become overwhelmed by it all. Often be active in the arts or other forms of creativity. Hartmann’s prototypes are art students and psychotherapists. Ego boundary preference as a learning style It seems useful to view the ego boundary construct as a k


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