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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 GMAT语法:题目分类及解析 GMAT考试中,以下四种类型题目占代词考题的近90%,以下对代 词考题进行分类并给出解析,解析中重点强调代词考点,但对于没有涉 及到代词的选项,也会进行详细阐述。与此同时,题目解析将严格遵守 代词做题步骤图解中的步骤,待考生养成笔者强调的做题步骤,考生们 将发现代词考点so easy。今天智课留学先为大家介绍GMAT语法的一 种题型:代词指代歧义。更多相关问题可咨询智课留学在线专家,如果 有任何意见和建议,也请联系我们。 (一)代词指代歧义/错误例题 1、The Quechuans believed that all things participated in both the material level and the mystical level of reality, and many individual Quechuans claimed to have contact with it directly with a dream experience. A. contact with it directly with B. direct contact with it by way of C. contact with the last directly through D. direct contact with the latter by means of E. contact directly with the mystical level due to 题干结构:Quechuans believed that SVO 语义理解:克丘亚人认为,万物都是 做题步骤分析:①首先找划线部分it的先行词,发现有先行词;②根 据语义及单复数一致 ,排除Quechans, all things,但前半句仍有两个单数词语都可以被指代:the material level 和 the mystical level,产生歧义 选项分析: A. it指代歧义 B. it指代歧义 C. 两者之间的后者用latter而不是last D. 正确 E. 通过何种方式 ,可以用by means of/ through等 ,但不可以用due to,due to表示原因 2、Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, while in Germany it is just over 33 percent. A. while in Germany it is just over 33 percent B. compared to Germany, which uses just over 33 percent C. whereas nuclear power accounts for just over 33 percent of the energy produced in Germany D. whereas just over 33 percent of the energy comes from nuclear power in Germany E. compared with the energy from nuclear power in Germany, where it is just over 33 percent 题干结构:over 75 percent of the energy ...derives from, whereas over 33 percent of the energy comes from 语义理解:法国75%的能源来源于核能 ,德国核能 占了总能源的33 %。 做题步骤分析:①首先找划线部分it 的先行词,前面有两个单数名词,over 75 percent of the energy 和 nuclear power;②在代词使用原则中提及:做主语的代词优先指代主语 ,因此it优先指代over 75 percent of the energy;③进行最后一


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