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第三章 语用失误及其原因 本章学习目标 1. 明确语用失误的内涵 2. 了解语用失误的分类 3. 了解语用失误的表现形式 4. 掌握语用失误的原因 本章概述 外语教学的最终目的就是培养学习者的交际能力。然而,学习者能否进行有效的交流不仅仅取决于他们的语法能力,更取决于其语用能力,即非母语者在不同情景中正确、得体地使用该语言进行交流的能力。但是长时间以来,中国的英语教学受传统教学法的影响,更加重视语言知识的传授而忽视了文化因素。结果大部分学生都由于语用能力欠缺而导致交际中断和交际失败。随着社会的进步与发展,世界各国、各民族之间的交流合作日益增强。外语作为交际工具,在现代社会生活中发挥着重要作用。随着跨文化交际的日趋频繁和跨文化交际中交际失败的不断出现,作为语用学及其分支学科一语际语语用学的热点话题之一,语用失误引起了国内外语言学家及语言学习者的重视。 本章介绍了语用失误内涵和分类、表现形式以及导致语用失误的因素。希望通过本章的学习,学习者能明确了解语用失误的必要性,初步具备避免语用失误的意识并能运用有效的手段在日后的学习中逐步培养语用能力。 自主学习调查问卷 同学们,为了了解你们的语用失误意识,请参与本次调查。谢谢合作! Directions: For each question in this part, you are presented with a short description of a situation and four choices. Read the description of each situation and select the most appropriate choice in that situation. Mark your choice by writing the corresponding letter in the brackets. 1. At a bus stop. Man:Excuse me,do you know which bus to catch for London Road,please? Woman:Sorry,I’ve no idea. Man:( ) A) It doesn’t matter.B) Oh.C) Never mind.D) Thank you.(He then went up to another person.) 2. Prof. Smith says to you in a seminar, “You might be interested in having a look at Bloom’s article on this.” Then you will take it as( ) A) a suggestion. B) a request. C) an indirect command and you may ask, “Do you want me to read that for the next essay?” D) an assignment. 3. Graham met his teacher, Professor South, outside the library. G: Good morning. Professor South, how are you? Prof. S: Very well, thank you. Graham, and how are you? G: ( ) A) Oh, can’t complain. B) I’m very well too, thank you. C) Same old thing. D) Just so-so. 4.You overheard someone say to another, “You are to be here by eight.” Then the relationship between the speaker and the hearer is probably( ). (A) Teacher and student B) Husband and wife C) Sisters D) Friends 5. At a dinner A: May I have the biscuits? B: ( ) A) Sure. (handing along the biscuits) B) Yes, help yourself. C) Go ahead. D) Yes, of course. 6. Patrick is sitting in a car with some friends. He has just asked if anyone


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