
抗菌药物与细菌耐药性_中山大学 微生物学ppt课件.ppt

抗菌药物与细菌耐药性_中山大学 微生物学ppt课件.ppt

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抗菌药物与细菌耐药性_中山大学 微生物学ppt课件

抗菌药物与细菌的耐药性;抗菌药物 抗菌药物的抗菌类型及抗菌机理 细菌的耐药性 细菌的耐药机理 细菌耐药性的控制策略;抗菌药物; Antibiotics (抗生素) ; Discovery ;; ■ Pencillin was purified and tested in mice showing its therapeutic action against lethal bacteria infection in 1935 by Howard Florey and Emst Chain Alexander Flemming Howard Florey acquired Noble prize in 1945 Emst Chain ; Streptomycin was identified by Selman Waksman in 1944 acquired Noble prize in 1952 Large-scale production of Penicillin by U.S pharmaceutical companies in early 1940s ;■ Hundreds and thousands of live of infected soldiers were saved by the end of W.W.II ■ Screening and discoveries of many other kinds of antibiotics in 1950s and 1960s ■ Microbes began developing resistance against the wonder drugs ;抗生素的种类; Penicillins ( 青霉素类) β-lactams Cephalosporins (头孢菌素类) Aminoglycosides (氨基糖甙类) Tetracyclins (四环素类) Macrolides (大环内酯类) Polymyxins (多粘菌素类) Quinolones (喹诺酮类) Rifamycins (利福霉素类) Sulphonamides (磺胺类); β-lactams (β-内酰胺类);β-lactams (β-内酰胺类);Aminoglycosides ( 氨基糖甙类); Tetracyclins 四环素类;Macrolides (大环内酯类) ;Polymyxins ( 多粘菌素类); Quinolones ( 喹诺酮类) ;Other antibiotics;抗生素抗菌机理; 1.抑制细菌细胞壁的合成 ;β-lactams (β-内酰胺类);Peptide cross-bridges;Vancomycin;; 一种D-丙氨酸类似物 阻断D-丙氨酸参与多肽交联桥的合成;;2. 影响细胞膜的功能; Amphotericin B (两性霉素B) Binding to a sterol (固醇) Anti-fungi ;3. 抑制蛋白质的合成; 与细菌核糖体50S亚基结合,阻止蛋白质合成肽链延长;4. 抑制细菌核酸合成;细菌的耐药性; 1928. penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming 1941. Penicillin was used in treating bacterial infections 1944. Penicillin resistant Staphylococcus 1946. 14% 1947. 38% 1966. 90% 1959. Beecham and Bristol brought out methicillin ;1961. methicillin-resistant


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