山东泰安訾家灌庄地区岩溶地面塌陷预测分析-prediction and analysis of karst ground subsidence in xujiaguanzhuang area, tai an, shandong province.docx

山东泰安訾家灌庄地区岩溶地面塌陷预测分析-prediction and analysis of karst ground subsidence in xujiaguanzhuang area, tai an, shandong province.docx

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山东泰安訾家灌庄地区岩溶地面塌陷预测分析-prediction and analysis of karst ground subsidence in xujiaguanzhuang area, tai an, shandong province

PAGE PAGE 1 山东科技大学硕士学位论文 摘要 摘 要 岩溶地面塌陷是岩溶地区常见的一种地质灾害现象。泰安市是山东省岩溶地面塌陷 灾害较严重的地区,訾家灌庄村位于泰安市泰山区城区的东南部,地处城区水源地塌陷 区的东南部地段。自 1976 年首次发生大规模塌陷以来,至今仍然持续发生,且规模不断 扩大。 本文通过调查研究区内自然地理、区域地层、区域地质构造、区域水文地质、研究 区工程地质、环境地质及第四系盖层的情况,以及研究区的岩溶地面塌陷的发育现状及 其危害性,对岩溶地面塌陷形成的基本条件和形成机理进行了研究。本文采用综合指数 法对研究区进行评价单元格的划分,然后选取岩溶地面塌陷的 9 个影响因子:岩溶发育 程度、断裂构造、地下水水位波动、水力梯度、地下水开采模数、地表水系、盖层岩土 体厚度、盖层岩性结构、外界扰动,对每个单元格进行单个因子评价打分然后赋予权重, 最后综合所有影响因子的得分进行岩溶地面塌陷区的区域预测划分,将评价区划分为高 易发区,中易发区,低易发区和不易发区,然后利用塌陷区的 5 个具有代表性的已塌陷 坑的数据,采用水—岩耦合模型对影响岩溶地面塌陷的主要诱发因素:地下水水位波动、 降雨量、大气压力差的致塌条件进行分析评价。结果表明在岩溶地面塌陷的诱发因素中, 岩溶水水位下降所起的作用最大,在岩溶水水位变幅不大的情况下,降雨所起的作用较 大,大气压力差作用较小。验证了模型的正确性并对单个塌坑的塌陷条件进行了评价和 预测。最后,依据预测结果对研究区的岩溶地面塌陷提出了预防建议。 关键词: 岩溶地面塌陷、形成机理、综合指数法、水—岩耦合模型、预测 山东科技大学硕士学位论文 abstract ABSTRACT Karst ground collapse is a common geological disaster phenomenon in the karst area. TaiAn city occupies a big karst ground collapse region in Shandong province, and Zijiaguanzhuang is located in the southeastern part of TaiShan area of TaiAn city, which is located in the southeastern part of the urban area water source area. Collapze in Zijiaguanzhuang continues after the frist massive collapse in 1976 and itsscale expand steadly. This article is based on the survey of the area of natural geography and regional strata, regional geological structure, regional hydrology geology, engineering geology, environment geology and quaternary of the study area, and the development, present situation and its harmfulness of karst ground collapse in the study area. Through the research of the basic conditions and the formation mechanism of the karst ground collapse, using the integrated index method to divide evaluation table cell in the study area, and then selection nine factor of karst ground collapse: karst development level, fracture, water level fluctuation, hydraulic gradient, groundwater exploitation module, surface water system, Quaternary cover thickness, Quaternary cover, external disturbances, through scored of each table cell about each factor which eff



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