山洪沟防洪治理水文计算研究——以会昌县古坊河为例-hydrological calculation research on flood control and control of mountain torrents gully - a case study of gufang river in huichang county.docx

山洪沟防洪治理水文计算研究——以会昌县古坊河为例-hydrological calculation research on flood control and control of mountain torrents gully - a case study of gufang river in huichang county.docx

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山洪沟防洪治理水文计算研究——以会昌县古坊河为例-hydrological calculation research on flood control and control of mountain torrents gully - a case study of gufang river in huichang county

摘 摘 要 万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 因为降雨的原因在山丘区引发洪水,还有山洪沟两岸因为山洪而诱发的泥 石流、滑坡等灾害称之为山洪沟灾害。山洪沟灾害会给人民生命财产和国民经 济带来损失。就山丘区小流域而言,具有流域面积小、河道调蓄能力差和坡降 较陡的特点。山洪沟灾害常发生在这种流域。它突发性强,洪灾破坏性大,对 人民群众的生命财产安全有很大的影响。对于需要治理的重点山洪沟,要采取 工程措施与非工程措施相结合的防洪治理方式进行山洪沟治理。合理分析计算 流域的设计洪水,是山洪沟治理第一手要掌握的基础资料。因此,研究山洪沟 流域的水文计算具有重要的意义。本文主要的内容和结论如下: 1、全面系统地查阅和了解国内外关于水文计算的研究现状和成果,主要的 水文计算方法有推理公式法、瞬时单位线法等。 2、基于 DEM 和 GIS 进行流域的水文模拟分析,将得出的流域特征参数与 CAD 中的流域特征参数进行对比分析,探讨基于 DEM 图的 GIS 水文分析提取 流域信息结果是否合理,得出提取出的流域面积和坡降是合理的。 3、经过分析比较,采用暴雨手册方法作为本文研究区流域的洪水计算方法。 4、根据流域的实际情况,分析下游控制断面的设计洪水组成情况,从工程 偏安全的情况考虑,同时也从数据的可获取性和计算的便捷性出发,采用区间 洪峰与水库下泄洪峰叠加的计算方法。 5、利用 HEC-RAS 模型推算出水面线,研究对比治理前和治理后的水面线 下降情况,分析造成的原因并提出自己对于山洪沟治理的一些建议。 关键词:山洪沟;防洪治理;水文计算 I AB ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The flood caused by rainfalls which happens in the mountainous regions and disaster induced by the torrential floods which happens in both sides of mountain torrents ditch such as debris flow ,landslide and so on is called torrential flood ditch disaster. Torrential flood ditch disaster will cause damage to the national economy and peoples lives and properties. Small watershed area in hilly regions possess small drainage area, river channel with poor storage capacity and steep slope. And torrential flood ditch disaster usually occurs in this kind of drainage basin. It comes suddenly and strongly, and will make a huge impact on peoples life and property security. Engineering measures combined with non-engineering measures should be taken to treat the torrential flood ditch where the disaster is serious. Analyzed and calculated design flood of drainage basin reasonably is the basic data that we need to grasp at first hand in torrential flood ditch governance. Hence, researching for the hydrological computation on the torrential flood ditch watershed is of great significance. In this paper, the main contents and conclusions are as follows: Consulting and digesting the research status and achievements about hydrological computation domestic and overseas roundly and systematacially. The hydr



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