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高血压危险因素评估及防治新进展结核病防治临床技能竞赛防控部分培训老痴呆康复训练系统项目计划书雷替曲塞在结直肠癌肝转移及原发性肝癌介入治疗中的应用颅脑损伤和急性脑血管意外的急救护理麻疹疫情调查与处置技术指南 高血压危险因素评估及防治新进展结核病防治临床技能竞赛防控部分培训老痴呆康复训练系统项目计划书雷替曲塞在结直肠癌肝转移及原发性肝癌介入治疗中的应用颅脑损伤和急性脑血管意外的急救护理麻疹疫情调查与处置技术指南 骨科英文交班 Word report : N4/6 Ward four/six 总数:34 Total patient :thirty-four Word report : 出院:2 Discharge :two 转出:1 Transmitted discharge :one Word report : 入院:2 Admission :two 转入:1 Transmitted admission :one 麻醉方式: 全麻: general anesthesia 连续硬膜外麻醉: continuous epidural anesthesia 麻醉方式: 静脉麻醉: intravenous anesthesia 局麻: local anesthesia 麻醉方式: 颈丛区域阻滞麻醉: cervical plexus anesthesia 臂丛区域阻滞麻醉: brachial plexus anesthesia 常用手术名称: 全膝关节置换术: total knee arthroplasty 全髋关节置换术: total hip arthroplasty 常用手术名称: 股骨头置换术: femoral head replacement 髋关节翻修术: revision of (left) hip 常用手术名称: 肿物活检术: biopsy of (where) tumor 肿物切除术: tumor resection of (where) 常用手术名称: 关节镜检查术: arthroscopic examination 关节腔清理术: debridement of (where) 常用手术名称: 游离体清理术:  removal of loose body   肘关节成形术: elbow arthroplasty 常用手术名称: 左髋关节镜检查滑膜切除活检关节清理术 arthoscopic debridement and synovetomy of left hip 半月板部分切除术 partial meniscectomy 常用手术名称: 右踝关节镜下滑膜清除术:synovetomy of right ankle through arthroscopy 前十字韧带重建术: anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 常用手术名称: 肩关节置换术: shoulder joint arthroplasty 右侧跖趾关节脱位复位截骨融合术 reduction , osteotomy and fusion of the first metatarsal-phalangeal joint of right side 常用手术名称: 双股骨截骨矫形:  osteotomy of both femur 腕管正中神经松解  release of median nerve of carpal tunnel 常用手术名称: 双侧髂胫束松解术 bilateral release of iliacotibial band 手法复位 close reduction 常用手术名称: 血管瘤切除术:  resection of hemangioma 人工铰链关节置换术: prosthetic replacement with artificial hinge joint 常用手术名称: 内固定取出术: removal of internal fixation 腰椎后路椎管减压 posterior decompression of lumbar spinal canal 常用手术名称: 后路侧弯翻修 ISOLA内固定 植骨融合 posterior revision and internal fixation with ISOLA instru


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