Bypass in Hybrid Operation for Aortic Dissection对主动脉夹层的杂交手术弓旁路ppt课件.ppt

Bypass in Hybrid Operation for Aortic Dissection对主动脉夹层的杂交手术弓旁路ppt课件.ppt

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Bypass in Hybrid Operation for Aortic Dissection对主动脉夹层的杂交手术弓旁路ppt课件

* * * * 颈-颈动脉转流+左颈锁骨下动脉侧侧吻合 CA-CA bypass+L. CA-SCA side-side anastomosis Case 3 TEVAR Case 3 Closed hemothorax drainage 主动脉夹层伴左侧颈动脉受累病例 Case 4: aortic dissection with left carotid artery involvement 瘘口位置 entry position Case 4 Case 4 BYPASS 颈颈转流+颈锁骨下对端吻合 CA-CA bypass + CA-SCA end-end anastomosis Case 4 总结 summary 1.颈部杂交手术可以对瘘口位于主动脉弓的夹层进行TEVAR手术 2.手术并发症发生率相对较低 3.转流方式可以根据患者情况个体化选择 4.防止并发症发生的要点是尽量缩短颈动脉阻断时间 ①Carotid hybrid operations make TEVAR procedure safe and possible for the aortic dissections with arch entries. ②With relatively low complication rate, ③the procedure can be customized for individual patient. ④Key point for complication prevention is to reduce the carotid artery blocking time as much as possible. Thanks for your attention! 谢 谢! Dept. of Vascular Surgery, 2nd Teaching Hosp. Harbin Medical University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 血管外科 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 美国自发性脑出血处理指南课件慢性鼻炎吃什么药好慢性鼻窦炎吃什中医中药治疗高血脂饮食保健资料子宫肌瘤合并胆囊炎围手术期护理中医药对冠心病稳定性心绞痛长期治疗价值 慢性单纯性苔藓痤疮白癜风教材课程 美国自发性脑出血处理指南课件慢性鼻炎吃什么药好慢性鼻窦炎吃什中医中药治疗高血脂饮食保健资料子宫肌瘤合并胆囊炎围手术期护理中医药对冠心病稳定性心绞痛长期治疗价值 慢性单纯性苔藓痤疮白癜风教材课程 夹层动脉瘤杂交手术 弓上分支转流方式探讨 Aortic Arch Bypass in Hybrid Operation for Aortic Dissection Aneurysm 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 血管外科 姜维良 WEILIANG JIANG Dept. of Vascular Surgery, 2nd Teaching Hosp. Harbin Medical University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 150086 夹层动脉瘤杂交手术弓上分支转流 Aortic Dissection Hybrid Operation with Arch Bypass 涉及主动脉弓分支的夹层动脉瘤,通过外科手术改变供血位置,可以创造出腔内修复的条件,使得腔内修复手术可以进行。 Aortic Dissection involving arch braches can be repaired with the assistance of the surgical operations alternating the vessel anatomy and creating optimal settings for endovascular repair. 病例资料 Cases 我科共完成主动脉夹层EVAR 112例 弓上分支转流 6例5.3%(6/112) Totally 112 cases of TEVAR for aortic dissection were performed in our unit, 6 (5.3%)of which with auxiliary arch bypass 病例资料 Cases 转流原因 Cause of bypass 同侧转流 Ipsilateral bypass 对侧转流 Contralateral bypass 弓上分支转位 Arch branch translocation 2 - 左


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