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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 針灸治療原發性痛經的取穴現狀分析(馬玉俠等,2009) 三陰交為足三陰經交會穴,可通調肝、脾、腎,為治療婦科病首選穴。 有8個特定穴,主要是特定穴具有雙重屬性,既有經脈主治的特點外,還有其特殊性能和治療作用,有其臨床指導意義。 運用頻率前十五個穴位 針灸治療原發性痛經的取穴現狀分析(馬玉俠等, 2009) 運用頻率前十五個穴位在經脈的分佈 任脈 攝自穴位按摩圖典 三采出版社 脾經 攝自:臨床取穴圖解 次髎、三陰交、神闕等在針灸選穴總使用頻率均在前十五位。單用穴應用中,亦為前三名,說明這三個穴位單用或配伍應用,對於原發性痛經具有較好的療效。 排序前十位的單用穴運用情況 總結 任脈起於胞中,可以“妊養胞胎” 。其經上諸穴如關元、中極、氣海、神闕的作用各具特色,臨床證明該經是治療原發性痛經的優選經脈。 交會穴位在治療原發性痛經上最常用,以三陰交為例,為足三陰經交會穴,可通調肝脾腎三臟,為婦科病要穴首選。 單用穴的應用越來越多,對於及時消除患者疼痛與減少針刺恐懼有一定臨床意義。 Effects of acupressure at the SanyinJiao point on Primary dysmenorrhoea Chen, H. M, Chen , C. H. (2004) Journal of Advanced Nursing 研究目的:Traditional Chinese acupressure derived from acupuncture is a noninvasive technique. Despite renewed interest in the use of acupressure, relatively few studies have been undertaken to examine its effects on primary dysmenorrhoea. 文獻探討-3 Methods ?? 研究對象: Participants were female students attending a technical college inTaiwan. 納入條件:None of the 69 participants had a prior history of gynaecological disease or secondary dysmenorrhoea, and all were rated higher than five for pain on a visual Analogue Scale from 0 to 10. 實驗組 :n=35 received acupressure at Sanyinjiao 對照組 :n=34 rested for 20 min 評估方法: Visual Analogue Scale for pain(疼痛視覺量表) Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire(簡明麥基爾疼痛問卷量表) Menstrual Distress Questionnaire(經期生理不適量表) (4) Visual Analogue Scale for anxiety ( for the experimental group only)焦慮視覺量表 (5) Acupressure Self-Assessment Form. 三陰交穴 攝自穴位按摩圖典 三采出版社 Results ?? Acupressure at Sanyinjiao during the initial session reduced the pain and anxiety typical of dysmenorrhoea. 87% experimental participants reported that acupressure was helpful, and 94%were satisfied with acupressure in terms of its providing pain relief and psychological support during dysmenorrhoea. Conclusion ?The findings suggest that acupressure at Sanyinjiao can be an effective,


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