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慧 境 神 遊 Journey to Different Levels Of Wisdom -From Chinese Religions/Philosophies to Christian Faith;;The horizon of emptiness;無常,空的境界 Horizon of Emptiness;The Dao(Tao);規律,道的境界 Horizon of The Dao;human goodness; 生生不息,天的境界 Horizon of Creativity;Great God of the highest Heaven;有情天,皇天上帝境界 Horizon of a Personal God; 上帝 Real God;A revealed God ; 上帝 Real God ;God of Trinity;上帝從道創造世界;中國民間信仰的來龍去脈 Supermarket of the gods Understanding of the Chinese Folk religions;根源篇 The Roots; 天壇 Altar of Heaven;天壇內景 ;詩經皇矣篇; How great is our God (Lord in the highest) He looks down from Heaven with glory He watches over the four corners of the world And pursues good fortune for the people;詩經周頌文王篇;;書經湯誓;;祖先崇拜 The Rites of Paying Respect to the Ancestors;論語 孔子:「未能事人,焉能事鬼」 曾子:「慎終追遠,民德歸厚矣」 Confucius says ,“If I can not serve man better ,how can I serve the ghosts。 Zeng Zi says“(Respecting the ancestor)is for caring on the matter of the death and the past。It is to help cultivate the human moral consciousness 。 ;;;秦始王自稱皇帝,統治者成爲皇天上帝。 人民卻失去上帝和永生的盼望。 The Emperor Zhing proclaimed himself as God (Lord in the highest),then the concept of God was identified with the ruler.Chinese people hense lose the understanding of God. ;道教起源 ;;Zhang Dao Ling; ;道教起源 The Three Highly Pure Immortals; supernatural administration; west ;The Greatest Jade Emperor;Southern Old Immortal;Western Mother Eastern Father;北;General Rain Uncle Wind;Lady Lightening Uncle Thundering;被封神仙的人 Human Immortals;被封神仙的人 Appointed humans as immortals;Supernatural administration 2;Goddess of the toilet (not washroom) god of the stove, god of the moat, god of the earth, god of the mountain; three gods of the heaven , earth and water;;The black and white demons of death;god of local land;God of the local land; lady of the toilet (not washroom) ;;冥界 gods of under world;The demons of death (the bull head a


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